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RE: The fool

in #christian6 years ago

What's wrong with stealing ideas? And, for that matter, according to your atheistic worldview, what's wrong with stealing anything? What's wrong with hypocrisy?

Like most people, I think lying is a negative quality, therefore wrong.

Like most people, where? Why is a negative quality wrong? The emphasis here is "you think". But, as I asked before, according to your worldview, objectively speaking, why should I care what you think about anything? Or "most people" for that matter?

What if I put another value on lying than you do? Or most people? Or other people?

Can you please provide some justification from your worldview, for how you can give me any kind of objective value statement?

Maybe you all recycle your favourite 'atheists must all be nihilists' crap. I'm not going to fall down that circular rabbit hole again and waste any more of my time.

I'm not recycling anything. I'm following your worldview to its logical conclusion. You may subjectively create a meaning, but why does your manufactured meaning hold any weight with anyone beyond your fizzing brain chemicals?

You are literally, just a conglomeration of chemicals obeying the laws of nature which have occurred as a result of a series of chance incidents over billions and billions of years. You might dislike that view, but that IS your reality as an atheist.

If you don't understand what a sensible person is then I'm very sorry for you. Google may be more helpful. Try that.

I'm not conversing with a search engine. I'm conversing with you. Don't play coy. What is your standard of sensible? How did you come to that conclusion?

I don't find it sensible to deny your Creator. I find that foolish. Putting the burden to define your terms on me is bad argumentation.

As an Atheist, you're necessarily a relativist. As a relativist, I'm wondering, how can you possibly come to my post and tell me about the value of Jesus' teachings, sensibility, positive vs. negative qualities, behavior, etc. Who are you to tell me what is and is not "right" and "wrong"?

You're not consistently an Atheist. You're stealing from my worldview to make any of these arguments.

You're living in God's world. Using the knowledge, logic, reasoning, and preconditions for intelligibility God has given you to deny God. That is foolishness.


You sound exactly like someone called abolitionist. Exactly.

Here, to save time, have a read through these discussions. It starts here and continues over a number of other threads (all linked).

If you can come up with anything different, giz a shout.

The conversation is here. The claims you made were regarding my post. The objections you made were of my comments.

So far, you've refused to justify any of them.

You've accused me of being the,

the great moral judge for all Steemit content

But I think that's ironic in light of your original comment. At least I can (and will) justify my moral value statements -- and I don't have to borrow from someone else's worldview to do it.

In the face of God’s revelation the unbeliever is “without an apologetic” (cf. Rom. 1:20, in the Greek). His intellectual position has no worthwhile credentials in the long run. When he comes up against the intellectual challenge of the gospel as Paul would present it, the unregenerate is left with no place to stand. The outcome of the encounter is summarily expressed by Paul when he declares, “Where is the wise? Where is the disputer of this world?”

The fact is that God makes foolish the wisdom of this world, and thus the genuinely wise unbeliever is not to be found. The man who can adequately debate and defend the outlook of this world (i.e., unbelief) has never lived.

Rejection of the Christian faith cannot be justified, and the intellectual position of the unbeliever cannot be genuinely defended in the world of thought.

Dr. Greg Bahnsen, "Always Ready"

And, that, by the way, is how you properly quote a book in a comment.

There's no conversation here.

There's no conversation here

Not when one person hits and runs with judgements, no, there isn't a conversation.

Here's the rub: there are always gonna be people whose opinions differ from ours. Sensible adults work this out via dialogue.

But a dialogue actually requires you to engage with and interact with what I say, not dodge, dismiss, ignore, and avoid. And, certainly not stand on a pedestal and expect me to accept your presuppositions, arguments, and claims wholesale without a challenge — something you've done from the beginning.

But let's make this simple. In your original comment, you presupposed "wisdom and compassion" were positive things. You just assumed I would also accept these as positive things.

For the sake of argument, what if I didn't? As an Atheist, 1) What does that matter to you? and 2) What pronouncement can you make which is objective?

That is, one which transcends your personal experience, culture, time, and location?

Or to simplify 2), maybe, simply 3), can you make an objective pronouncement to me regarding the value of wisdom and/or compassion?

Hear me, oh Entitled One:

I don't want a dialogue with you!

It's a waste of time. I've answered those questions in discussion with abolitionist. If you're interested in my point of view (you're not), go and read the link. Don't bore me with the same circular, word-salad nonsense again.


Thank you for your time.

I knew your first downvote was intentional. Haha!
Favour returned.