Have you ever wondered what faith is, today we shall dive in a little bit in viewing faith in a more tangible manner. To drive home our point in Hebrew 11:1 we see a summation of what faith is as defined by Apostle Paul to the Hebrews, so now lets take it one at time.
Like the scripture said FAITH is the SUBSTANCE of THINGS HOPED. In other words take for instance you have funds available in your account and you need to get a vehicle which stands for the thing you hope for.
Here faith is typified by the funds because with it you can get the vehicle, not having the funds and hoping for the vehicle is like having serving God without faith.
Faith = Funds
Things hoped for = Vehicle
It is the EVIDENCE of THINGS not SEEN, take another instance, when you present the ownership document of a property you own it would suffice as enough evidence even though you don't carry your estate around as proof of ownership. Nobody will even believe you own such a property by mere inspection without that document of ownership ( faith ).
Evidence = Document
Things not seem = Property
So your faith is even a better substance and evidence for the things hoped for or things not seen, Internally you should have this guarantee of certainty of your believe. That works with such awe.
The men who built our civilizations had faith least they would have abandoned their quest at the slightest provocation of challenges.
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Bible version KJV
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