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RE: The Power To Say "NO"

in #christian-trial7 years ago

...seriously dark oppressive post, more like.

What do you find 'good' about this?

Are these the 'you are hope' philosophies?

What on earth is good about it? - are Christians not full of the non judgemental ethos?, ....'he who has not sinned cast the first stone' , and all that kind of thing..?

Having lived a hedonistic lifestyle myself, earlier in my life, - been involved in adult industry, I have gay mates..
(masturbation?- seriously?)
...and passionate about worldly things doesn't make you a bad person.

You could argue if you are not enjoying gods world as he has given it to us - in all it's beauty -is spitting in the eye of god, could you not?

Passionate about non aggression principles, property rights, and free will, seems to me a far more holy calling than dissing and judging other people's way of life..

...just sayin'...


You are entitled to your opinion. He is entitled to his. His encourages people who share his beliefs, but here you are shouting it down, complaining and suggesting if anything, nothing but derisive and divisive angst. Why so mad eh? Does it bother you that they call your lifestyle "alternative" as opposed to "normal"?

Oh the irony will be completely lost on you and the next step will likely be how you are victimized.

Meanwhile Kofpato will be out feeding orphans, bringing donated school supplies to local disadvantaged schools, and helping underprivileged,poverty stricken children enjoy nice sports gear and things that they had never had before.

Then he will come here and encourage others with his faith. You know, that thing that which most atheists, agnostics and "spiritualists" don't have inside that constantly leaves them trying to find an acceptance for things that really just ain't all that interesting to those of us who don't give a shit what you do in your bedroom.

But here you are, doing such great things for the world, like getting your little feelings hurt, feeling victimized, and spewing nonsense on a post that has nothing to do with you, at ALL.

Real nice. This is why we call you all the "alternative" lifestyle, because, well, y'all just can't quite manage to be comfortable in your own planet, since you know inside, the things you exist with, ain't quite natural... and it gnaws at you. Doesn't it? So you have to lash out at people who previously had no idea you even existed, and with such a warm introduction to you, I'm quite happy to return to not knowing you existed.

Have a nice day!
