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RE: Open Church: where all are welcomed

in #christian-trail7 years ago

Hi @deisip67, my answer is no, I don't speak in tongues even tho I have desired it, I once asked the Lord why he hasn't given me that gift when someone else newly saved did and His still, small voice answered me "because he needed it." So I don't, and know many Spirit filled believers who don't, it's a gift that He gives as He deems..


Hi, Willx, thanks for replying, also once I asked myself that question and now I understand. God awakened me that morning, and gave me a Galatians verse 22, and now I understand, that the Gifts are not as important as the fruits. The fruit of the Holy Spirit is permanent while the gifts are temporal.
The Lord is great and wonderful, and He always has an answer to our supplications.

15 And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.
16 He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.
17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;
18 They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.

Bold highlights are mine.

Doesn't necessarily mean all tho, if all saved speak with tongues than I and hundreds of millions of others who accepted Jesus and know Him personally are delusional.. few before Azusa St spoke in tongues, that move was used of God to restore to His people, but not all.

That is because the bible is not taken literally.
The scripture above says: He that believeth, not some that believe...

It's another feat of satan to deprive the believer of the power that comes with speaking in tongues.

I can recommend teachings that support Jesus' word, if you're interested.


I know them all, also know it's not a determining factor of who's saved.. have moved in the power of God for a while without speaking in tongues, as have tons, including most of the great reformers and revivalists of the past.

Sorry - you know them all? Teachings? Wow! You must be all - knowing... :D

All I am saying is that tongues is a gift available to ALL believers. It is satan who does an effective job promoting teachings that say otherwise.

Stay blessed.

PS:// Please remember that Jesus warns us against false teachers...
The establishment sacred cows... Perhaps I want to make this a God-Waves Series...

The only word we can rely on as absolute truth is scripture (in the original)...

Yes I do, if u can why can't others :) In fact have been studying the scriptures for decades and the subject of tongues is not very extensive.

Yup Satan and false teachers.. but there are disagreements among brethren on secondary issues like tongues, different interpretation of certain scriptures.. eternal security, rapture timing, speaking in tongues etc .. each believes the other has been led astray.. best to just agree to disagree and let the Spirit lead into truth in His proper time.

Well, I go by Scripture - and Scrpture tells us that all believers are gifted with tongues. :)

Check out Curry Blake's 'Divesity of Tongues', which may be the best bible based resource there is on the subject.

Stay blessed.