By Rick Lange
Posted with authors permission

I see 2019 as being a transition year. I believe there will be a series of events throughout this year that will significantly change life as we know it on this planet. 2018 was a highly prophetic year that should have opened the eyes of any Christian that is studying God’s Word. In 2018 we began to see that in spite of man’s best efforts to the contrary, life in almost every area, whether political, spiritual, financial, technical or natural is slipping beyond our control.

In 2019 I believe that we are going to see many things cross over the threshold of man’s control in a way that sets the world up for the coming Beast system. Globalist plans, once muted by a cooperating media, are going to be exposed, or as Paul Begley says: “The velvet glove is going to be removed from the iron fist of globalism.

According to Mike from around the world, because our sun is at a solar minimum, earth’s magnetosphere is severely weakened. We have already seen a 17% increase in cosmic radiation in the last few years that is both heating up our planet and affecting people’s health and it will continue to increase in 2019 as another wave of cosmic energy bombards the earth. Cancer cases are going to go through the roof. Earthquakes and volcanoes are going to continue to escalate, cracks and sink holes will begin to raise major concerns and this could be the year of the “Big one”, which alone would totally change the way we now live.

Angela Merkle of Germany announced that nation states must now give up their sovereignty and that the nation’s leaders must stop listening to the voice of the people and just do what must be done. In other words, they must begin to railroad globalism into control whether the populous wants it or not… all borders and national defenses must be removed, unchecked migration must be allowed to take place as the will of the people is overrun.

It is really rather sneaky how our freedom of speech is being removed. As my son Zach, pointed out, nearly all of our social media these days is run by private companies. All of the media outlets like Facebook, Google, Twitter and all of the rest are privately owned. As such, they can maintain the right to refuse service to whomever they want. In this way they will be able to sensor what is said apart from our first amendment rights and they are beginning to do so now in a marked way. Certain key words will flag any ministry that speaks out on certain moral and biblical issues.

In this way the private companies can bypass our constitution and thus shut down any communications that their company doesn’t agree with. Paul Begley was cut off of Facebook for 90 days and has had to work around it. The Hagmann and Hagmann show was cut off for dealing with sensitive subjects and just the other day they flagged Franklyn Graham and booted him off of Facebook. They later apologized and reinstated him because of an outcry of the people, but it shows us the underbelly of the agenda that will soon push every biblical, prophetic and moral voice off the air. Many Christian ministries are facing sensorship right now including defunding their programs.

So yes, 2019 will be a transitional year in which certain events will propel us in the direction of a global beast system. Our freedoms will continue to be overturned. Global governments around the world are going to begin telling churches what the can and cannot preach with the threat of losing their tax exempt status. Many churches will literally close down. Christianity is on the decline because many are falling away from the faith, or finding their churches no longer relevant.

As far as vulnerability goes, people don’t seem to realize that there are literally thousands of hackers around the world whose full time job is that of trying to hack into our power grids. So far our counter agents have been able to intercept and thwart most of the hacks and yet we are beginning to see outages in electrical and or internet services. Even my own Facebook went down for a day or two.

Even government agencies are now warning that everyone should have at least a 14 day supply of food and water and other emergency supplies on hand such as flashlights, batteries, and a means of cooking without electricity, generators, first aid kits and some means of protection. The truth is you may need more like 14 months’ worth of emergency supplies. And this is no longer tinfoil hat stuff, but just common readiness for disasters of all kinds. This is not the preachers talking. It is government agencies.

But for Christians it always remains true, that we must be spiritually ready more than anything else, because along with all that is about to happen physically, politically, financially and naturally, there are strong delusions coming that will if possible deceive even the very elect. It will most likely be a series of disasters in any of the 4 areas mentioned above that will propel us into the tribulation and globalism is being pushed as the only solution.

The world is going to be divided between globalists and nationalists and in some areas it will build up into war, and riots and unrest heretofore not seen. Many of the skirmishes taking place in Europe, especially France come as a revolt against obscenely high taxes, and uncontrolled immigration and I have to ask the question, what good is globalism going to be against any of the problems we have mentioned here. Britten tried to exit the globalist European Union only to find out that their vote no longer counts. Globalism needs an antichrist with answers and it won’t be long until they get one.

Enough prophetic stuff is going to happen this year, to cause many Christians to flock to their pastors for prophetic information and most pastors will be unable to answer their questions, because they have cashed in all of their chips for prosperity and globalist politically correct doctrine. So people will flock to the internet for information, some of which will be good and some bad.

Many Christians have no idea how bankrupt their religions have become simply because they have drifted from the solid foundational Gospel, to a “Me” centered self- help Gospel and they have eschewed Bible Prophecy by which they could have been prepared for the major events that are about to happen.

Many Christians draw out their Psalms 91 card as their plan of protection in times of trouble, and yet they do not dwell in the secret place of the Most High. As we pointed out before from the design of the sanctuary, the Most Holy Place is only reachable through the Holy Place and the Holy Place is the place of sanctification by the Word and by the Spirit of God. Today a vast majority of Christians live life in the outer court. They got saved and then they just hung around the new birth, but never began to grow into maturity. Therefore pastors are still changing diapers and feeding the people milk.

We are not prepared for what is coming and it is going to overtake God’s people as an overwhelming surprise. We are going to have to stand for our faith just like the three Hebrews had to stand in spite of the threats of a fiery furnace. All of these Old Testament events happened to them as examples for us upon whom the ends of the age have come. 1 Cor. 10:11.

Many say,” I’m not going to worry about all that stuff. I’m just going to trust Jesus. But trusting Jesus involves becoming His disciple. It involves learning how to live by His Spirit and not by our flesh. It means learning obedience from the things that we suffer. It means learning to be faithful in the face of temptation. It means coming out of the world system and living fully in His kingdom. It means being conformed into His image, overcoming even as He overcame. Being protected by the Lord involves our being in Him and He in us.

Our hope and our faith are not fastened to air. It is specific. It is a pathway of His choosing and not ours. Hebrews 6:17-20 says:

In the same way God, desiring even more to show to the heirs of the promises the unchangeableness of His purposes interposed with an oath, in order that by two unchangeable things in which it is impossible for God to lie, we may have strong encouragement we who have fled for refuge in laying hold of the hope set before us. This hope we have as an anchor of the soul, a hope both sure and steadfast and one which enters within the veil where Jesus has entered as a forerunner for us, having become a high priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek.”

So the way into the Most Holy Place (The secret place of the Most High) is only made possible through the Melchizedek Priesthood. It is a priesthood in which the Law has been replaced by the Holy Spirit. Now, more than mere obedience to an external law, we are being transformed into the image of Christ by His indwelling Holy Spirit in us. This transformation does not lead us to break the Law, but rather to fulfill it in a way that flesh could never have fulfilled it. Christ Himself has become our righteousness and it is He that is transforming us into His image.

But we have to choose this. We have to walk in it by faith. We can’t remain in the world, doing our own thing and expect that we will be magically raptured out of here as selfish and immature human beings. This has been the burden of my message lately, because Christianity has become sloppy and careless and presumptive. We are not turning from the world and walking in the power of Christ. We have become lukewarm and half baked.

But in Hebrews we find the author talking about discipline in which the Lord is disciplining us and teaching us obedience to His will. He then tells us to “pursue peace with all men and the sanctification without which no one will see the Lord.” Heb. 12:14.

We have not entered into the disciplines of the Lord as we should and so chapter 12 goes on to tell us that there will be a great shaking in which everything that can be shaken will be shaken. Then he concludes by saying:

“Therefore, since we receive a kingdom which cannot be shaken, let us show gratitude by which we may offer to God an acceptable service with reverence and awe; for our God is a consuming fire.”

Instead of preaching the truth many are teaching that God is good all the time, (and He IS good all the time) but not in the way they define it, because what they mean by His being good all the time is that He will not judge His people. But He WILL judge His people and He WILL separate the wheat from the tares, (Mt. 13:24-30) and that day will burn like a furnace and the chaff will be thrown into the fire. (Mt. 13:49, 50)

In that day each man’s work will be put through the fire so that all wood, hay and stubble will be burned away and only gold and silver and precious stones will be left.

We need to ask ourselves how much of what we do is built upon eternal things like gold and silver and precious stones and how much of it will be burned away like wood and hay and stubble? Only the fruit that the Holy Spirit produces in us will stand the test, for by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified. Only those who are being led by the Spirit of God are sons of God, for the Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God. Romans 8:14, 16

And what is the goal toward which the Holy Spirit is carrying us? It’s not chilly bumps and Holy Ghost parties, for it says: “For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to become conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the first-born among many brethren.”

I find it interesting to note that when the Holy Spirit convicts me and places a certain burden upon my heart, I will soon discover that others, other preachers and prophetic voices begin to say the same thing. In other words, the Holy Spirit is speaking to the church and everyone who hears His voice begins to share the same burden. And the message right now is to put away sin, to come out of Babylon as a world system, to separate ourselves from the world and to take very seriously our walk with the Lord. We need to bear the fruit of the Spirit, not just as some grand ideal, but as the very substance of our lives. We need to make prayer and time in the Word our priority and not just a side issue.

We need to love the brethren and encourage one another. We need to actually obey God’s instructions to forgive one another, to be patient, kind, longsuffering, gentle and faithful. Our lives must be filled with the love, joy and peace of God. If we are living in constant turmoil and chaos, then we are living by the flesh and not by the Spirit.

We need to enter into all of these things that the Bible talks about. We need to move from theory into practice. We’ve had enough of this sitting in class and talking, year in and year out about what we should be. It is time to enter into the Holy Place and to grow up into Christ.

Do you think that I am only talking to you? No, I am talking to all of us and if the Holy Spirit is speaking through me at all, He is saying that the jig is up and the time has come for maturity in Christ.

It is all done by His power. It is He that cleanses the temple and restores us to peace. It is He that turns His people into a house of prayer. It is He that transforms us into His image. But He can’t do any of it as long as our flesh is still alive and in control. He inhabits our spirit and so our flesh must be dead.

That is the real reason for the cross and the new birth. In Him we die to the flesh driven, purpose driven life and we begin to live by the covenant that Jesus has brought us into, having signed it in His own blood and administered it to us as our High Priest after the order of Melchizedek. We have a direct connection with our High Priest because it is His own Spirit that dwells in us.

So many casual Christians glibly claim Psalm 91 as the ace up their sleeve when trouble comes, but Psalm 91 offers its protection only to those that dwell in the secret place of the Most High. Are you dwelling there? It is time to take hold of the promises and the mercies of God and to come into maturity in Christ so that we may abide under the shadow of the Almighty.

2019 is a transition year in many ways, but for Christians it is a transition year into maturity in Christ. No more hanging around the outer court. We must enter into His sanctuary and there find His grace as the power of God unto salvation.


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