Our study of the book of Jonah is still ongoing and in this post we're continuing to draw lessons from Jonah Chapter 3.
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Jonah 3:4-5 (Living Bible)
4 But the very first day when Jonah entered the city and began to preach, the people repented. Jonah shouted to the crowds that gathered around him, “Forty days from now Nineveh will be destroyed!”
5 And they believed him and declared a fast; from the king on down, everyone put on sackcloth—the rough, coarse garments worn at times of mourning.
Below are some take home lessons you should always keep in mind.
1. A Quick Work
Jonah announced to the city that because of their sins, in 40 days time Nineveh would be no more. When they heard this they repented and the judgment was averted.
So, we know that Jonah's preaching ministry in Nineveh didn't exceed 40 days. That means, it didn't exceed 2 months.
In less than 2 months, see what great a revolution his doing what God told him to do brought about.
This tells us that it doesn't necessarily take a long time to change a culture that has been for a long time.
Who says it must have to take a long time before you make impact? This story shows us that isn't necessarily so.
Through the preaching of the gospel there can and there shall be a quick work.
2. How to Make Impact
When Jonah landed from out of the belly of the fish and heard God's word again, he obeyed with fiery zeal.
As it were, his evangelistic ministry went ballistic. All that mattered to him was to fulfil his ministry - his God given assignment.
This shows us something...
Those who carry out their assignment with red hot passion, a sense of urgency and with undauntable boldness will witness a radical shift as a result of the impact of their ministry.
3. Just Start!
Sometimes people are worried about how and when what they do will get to the ears of those who are esteemed as the makers and shakers in their society.
Such concerns should not be an issue to you. Your focus should be to get to what you should be doing. Leave the rest for time to tell.
Jonah didn't go to the King's palace to preach. He went to the streets but the fire in his soul and the disposition he had to his assignment, made him a sensation in no time.
Although he didn't go looking for the king, news of him and what he was saying got to the king and it humbled the king, so much so that he effected a policy that brought about a revolution.
So, just start!
The book of Jonah is indeed a great reference for those God has called to carry out an assignment or the other. There is a lesson to be learnt by everyone. Thank you for sharing @restandreign
That's very correct. The things recorded know the scriptures are there for us.
The same thing is said in another way in Paul's first letter to the Corinthians
The Word of God is the wisdom of God presented to us. If we embrace it and live by it we'd be saved from losing out in life.
@kingsolo Your comment is appreciated.