Academic Failure
Failure means falling below the set standard.
Moment you are not up to the standard set, you have failed.
Do remember that whenever you fall below standard does not mean that you are a total failure.
Know that failure is not an extraordinary to people. So when you failed, it does not peculiar to you alone. So everyone must have failed before.
If this is the first lime you experience failure, don’t be discourage because it is not the end has not come, it is a temporary setback. So when you failed, what you should not do!
a. Do not blame someone for your failure.
b. Do not cover it up
c. Do not give up
d. Learn from it and move forward
Why Sould One Failed?
- May be you did not read enough
- You may not have rest enough
- Perhaps your thought or reasoning was not well organized
- You are not well composed
- Forget what you read
- You don’t write legible enough
- You mismanage the time given.
- Misunderstanding the question
- Possible the fear of the course or examination itself.
Solution To Failure
- Turn it to God in prayer
- Don’t be afraid
- Have confidence, be optimistic and be positive in your thinking.
- Study harder
- Manage you time well during examination
- Adequate and timely preparation is required.
- Evaluate and change people you study with.
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More Info: Abuse Guide - 2017.