First of all, "We Christians, believed in one God, the father almighty, creator of heaven and earth and all things visible and invisible." What you mean is the trinity,- the father , the son and the holy ghost are One, meaning in union, counted as one and that is GOD. Secondly, fasting is observed during the Holy week but the oldies or people with sickness are considered not to fast because of their health conditions. Here you apply the rule, "In every rule there is an exception." Thirdly, We believed that Jesus is the messiah or the messenger and he died for our sin." In our church, you will hear those words that I have just told you.
The most important thing is, no matter what is your religion, your color, whether you are good looking or not, rich or poor, you can not be saved with your religion but with your actions, your deeds in this world. One thing that I always remember, only God can see what is in our hearts, our minds and so, nobody can judge us except, GOD.
Personally or I, myself, believed in one God and the ten commandments.