Science is the Study of Natural Creation and is Not the Study of God

Before I start this article, I want to clarify for anyone reading this, that I in no way accept any of the New Age concepts or gnostic ideas regarding the nature of God and existence as we know it. I'd further like to state that science delves into creation while bypassing the ultimate Creator, which I personally see as deception.

In the past two hundred years, amazing discoveries have been made through science, there is no question about that. As amazing as it all is, I'm personally far more interested in the Creator Himself, the one true and living God and Father of our Lord Jesus.

I'm posting this based on a short conversation I had with another steemian yesterday.

Quantum Theory is a theoretical branch of physics that attempts to explain the makeup and behavior of matter at the atomic and subatomic levels.

The theory was introduced in 1900 when a physicist Max Planck presented it to the German Physical Society. Plank developed the "theory" as he sought to discover why radiation changed in color from red, green and blue with a rise in temperature. Before this time, scientists believed or "assumed," that energy existed in the form of a constant electromagnetic wave.
Planck's theory was that energy existed in individual units in the same way that matter does.

Since that time through scientific advances, atoms have become observable through the use of a tunneling microscope, and the individuality or "units," of energy can even be manipulated. This "manipulation," of atoms has since been used in cloning animals.

In 1996, the first animal, a domestic sheep, was cloned using a process called nuclear transfer.

As a Christian, I find it rather interesting that the very first animal chosen to be cloned through genetic manipulation was a sheep.

In this video, the makeup of an atom is explained, and actually demonstrates that the atom itself does not look at all like graphics used today that show how atoms function. The scientist also explains that everything is made up of energy.

The Science Asylum Youtube

Throughout history many have been completely enthralled with the make-up of creation and because of the searchable and discoverable elements. Those who follow along this path worship creation rather than the Creator, who is by far more amazing than creation itself. It is far more important that we know Him and seek His will.
Philosophy is nothing more than theory and science is ever changing. I find it amazing that people are able to believe in the currently accepted aspects of science, while they deny God and call HIM a "theory." Maybe it's just me, but I tend to think that denying God is very closed-minded.

In a recent study, where cardiac-arrest patients were followed for a period of four years, both in the UK and the US, reported that 40% of the patients who were declared "legally dead," for a period of time, described a state of being aware for a period that goes on significantly longer than the time frame that death actually occurs.

LIFE AFTER DEATH: Scientists reveal shock findings from groundbreaking study:

In a large scale study of more than 2,000 people, British boffins confirmed that thoughts DO carry on after the heart stops.

The shock research has also uncovered the most convincing evidence of an out of body experience for a patient declared dead.

It had been believed the brain stopped all activity 30 seconds after the heart had stopped pumping blood around the body, and that with that, awareness ceases too.

However, the study from the University of Southampton shows people still experience awareness for up to three minutes after they had been pronounced dead.
Article Link

Here is what the Bible tells us about life after death.

"And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:"Hebrews 9:27

"Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life." John 5:24

"And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell."Matthew 10:28

I know that not many like the above verse, but it's true. People can easily accept the laws of nature which are defined as:
"A regularly occurring or apparently inevitable phenomenon observable in human society."

God is beyond "natural laws," and He does have rules that apply both to His natural creation, and after this life.

Jesus Himself did many things that were beyond the laws of nature He healed the sick, walked on water, raised the dead and even appeared on the other side of a lake instantly without the use of a boat.

Anyone can choose to believe these scriptures or not, but God's word sends out a challenge to every living soul that seek the absolute truth.

"He existed before anything else, and he holds all creation together."Colossians 1:17

"But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him." John 4:23

"I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death. Revelation"1:18

"Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me."Revelation 3:20

Quantum Mechanics Theory Development

Viewing Atoms

Cloning Through the Manipulation of Atoms

First Animal Cloned

Law of Nature

The Most Important Link, KJV BIBLE ONLINE


Hey ,
Thanks for the great content

Thank you for reading this!

Nicely written.

How is it deception? Science is dealing with the measurable...matters of the heart / faith do not fall into that category. While I understand there are researchers / scientists out there who have agendas to disprove the existence of God, I don't think that is the case across the board. Worship the creation rather than the Creator? It feels like that might be a bit extreme.

Totally agree with you. Science is saying "how", religion (even philosophy a little bit) is saying "why".

Hi @samanthajbarnes, Certain aspects of science are not measurable but theory. Quarks and Leptons have not been physically viewed, which scientists now say are the building blocks of everything and are smaller than an atom. It is also believed that there are particles that are even smaller, but completely unviewable.
Matters of the heart are measurable, by YOU. How you feel about others is your own measure, and for you and I those kinds of things are more real than tiny physical particles. Even though you can't physically see those "emotions," you know that they are there. Every choice we make has it's own scale. "Faith," is a lot the same. For an individual, decisions and actions can be measured on that scale. And from a subjective view, your faith, your likes and dislikes, and your beliefs can't be measured by others, but they are still very real.
The bible actually speaks a lot about this. Jesus even spoke of faith in measures. He healed a woman and told her that she had great faith. He asked a few others, "where is your faith?" The bible even uses scales to relay judgment, which shouldn't be too difficult for anyone to grasp or individually prove to ourselves because we do that as well. Here's one example in the book of Daniel.

Daniel 5:26 This is the interpretation of the thing: MENE; God hath numbered thy kingdom, and finished it.
Daniel 5:27 TEKEL; Thou art weighed in the balances, and art found wanting.
Daniel 5:28 PERES; Thy kingdom is divided, and given to the Medes and Persians.

Theories don't come out of thin air, they come from hypothesis, research, experiments, results of those experiments, evaluations of those results, peer review.

Feelings can and do change which is part of the human experience.

Faith is the belief in things unseen. That deep down belief in eternal life kind of faith is based on feelings which are very real, indeed.

I think we are talking about apples and oranges here but, that is just my humble opinion.

"Hypothesis," means:
"A supposition or proposed explanation made on the basis of limited evidence as a starting point for further investigation."

There's a lot of theory involved with science. Like the "Theory of evolution."
Which is among thousands, if not millions of others. All theories are debatable because they haven't been proven, and some are debatable even though science accepts those "theories," as being accurate.

The post really isn't about theories though. It's about, hopefully causing people to consider that there are things far beyond our understanding, and as the title says, God Himself is not creation but HE is the creator.

It's a division, as there are many people who see it the other way around.

Sometimes the only way to know that something is true is to seek it out for ourselves, sincerely.

We do live in a world full of wonders and I have come to a place where I am comfortable not having it all figured out. Science has its theories, people have their faith / beliefs and we can all learn from each other with open minds and hearts. I wish you the best on your journey to discovering the truth.

Agree with your assessment that "deception" is too harsh of a criticism regarding scientific errors and flaws. The inherent flaw of scientific reasoning is that the method is inductive in character, but the hypothesis/theory formulation (at least in the modern times) tends towards deductive in character.

Unlike mathematics, which is entirely fictional, the purpose of the tool we term "science" is to approximate and describe reality using observable factors. It may be that the OP is discontented with the modern trend of scientists proclaiming "theories" based mostly on deductive reasoning, upon what may or may not be a flawed premises/assumptions.

Concepts such as "parallel universe," "multiverse," "abiogenesis," and "macro-evolution" are deductive reasoning that can never be tested using scientific method. Furthermore, in the realm of quantum and theoretical physics, where the very act of observation skews results of the experiment, the limits of pure inductive methods can be appreciated.

Well described.

wow @livingwaters
this post is soo rich and thought provocative
thanks for sharing this worthy of my 100% upvote as i agree with you...keep it up

Great post. I was having a similar conversation with someone the other day. In comparison with what we see and are not capable of seeing the knowledge we have gained through scientific means is nothing more than a speck of dust. So it is not right to say science answers all the questions or can be the moral arbiter of society as some present day philosophers like to argue.

Thank you @codero, I agree completely. There are particles that are even smaller than atoms that science doesn't have the technology to physically see. So until they are viewed, they are "theories." And science definitely isn't the moral arbiter of society. Many find that DNA manipulation is far from moral.
Thank you for reading and responding.

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you said:

science delves into creation

TRUE science/scientists (may not be many of them) delve into the nature of reality (creation) regardless of where it might lead and let the "chips fall where they may".

You say:

denying God is very closed-minded

This is true. Denying the possibility of some sort of underlying intelligent action in the universe is just as close-minded as uncritically accepting that there absolutely IS an underlying intelligent action in the universe. Neither position is scientific (reasonable).

Although I'm an atheist, it's good to find a sane (traditional?) Christian here. Cos everyone has gone coo-coo lately with their New Age-isms!

I'm personally far more interested in the Creator Himself, the one true and living God and Father of our Lord Jesus.

The way you say it, it's as though Jesus isn't God! Jesus is God! He (too) created (co-created?) the universe!

As a Christian, I find it rather interesting that the very first animal chosen to be cloned through genetic manipulation was a sheep.

Well, Jesus referred to all of us as sheep, so there!

Those who follow along this path worship creation rather than the Creator, who is by far more amazing than creation itself.

"Therefore that much more in need of a cause," Dawkins would say!

Maybe it's just me, but I tend to think that denying God is very closed-minded.

Not if it's based on evidence and reason. I'm by default very open-minded about probably everything. I could sit down with Hitler and hear his arguments for why certain groups of people should all be eradicated. Plus, I would much rather God existed (as long as he was truly omnibenevolent). I've nothing to gain from his not existing, and probably much to lose (including my soul, potentially?!)

Here is what the Bible tells us about life after death.

That's subject to interpretation (as everything is with the Bible). A theologian once told me that he doesn't believe in heaven and hell, nor souls if they are interpreted as distinct from bodies. Souls and bodies are one singular ever-united entity. He said Jesus would raise us from the dead, there's nowhere we go after we die. It's also true that in the Old Testament (the Jewish testament) there was almost no talk about the afterlife. It's more of a modern obsession. All that talk about souls vs bodies is also a consequence of the dualism we inherited from Plato. Christianity, as it's taught today, is basically Plato's religion.

I subscribed to The Science Asylum. Good find!

It was a well-structured post, easy to read and understand.


I consider myself agnostic. I don't believe in the old religious ideas of god but there is a possibility for it to be true. That being said I see that there is almost a dogmatic effect of science too. Nowadays scientists who don't tow the line get excommunicated like a heretic. So when you talk about science isn't the study of God. I think science is just basically the atheist version of God.

as much as you want go on proving but people will say that everything that science studies is made by god. meaning science too is made by god. everything we have and everything we know is allowed by god so...

The scientific method itself assumes a uniformity of natural laws and laws of logic which themselves are often considered to be transcendental reflections of the mind of God. It is asserted that the atheist has no rational explanation for these things. Why do we have laws of logic or mathematics if not from the divine mind from which order and structure flow?

This an eye opener for those who just believe Science and ignore God. Thanks for the wonderful insight @livingwaters...

Thank you for reading and commenting @joshvel.

Science and God is two different things. Science is proven. God is belief. We should respect each other for peaceful existence.

Agree... science is saying "how", religion is saying "why".

This is Fantastic Work. I really like the views you are sharing here regarding the Creator Jesus Christ!

Atom is 99% free space/energy

Excellent article

great work and i really appreciate
But still we are unable to find the answers of questions related to mysterious places around the world. but thank to god, that our scientist still working on it and definitely they will do it in upcoming time with proper answer

It looks like we have something in common we believe in God. I would appreciate if you stop by and check out some of my daily Prayer @mannyfig1956

Everything from the creation of God

God is really exist, even science can't explain why the clone baby at very young age it cell is as old as it's source. If you clone a 60 years old man, the baby when came to the outside, his already a 60 years and 9 months old. After a few year he also died.

Very interesting @cloudspyder. I need to look into that!

very interesting post.Gratulations.I sincerely invite you to me

It is very interesting post. I partly agree with the views you share

by reading your writings, I become the subject of a particle theory that has little to do with your writing material. and I believe the particle theory first proposed by nicola tesla is one of the most commendable theories of the universe

Particles have everything to do with creation.
But thank you for your comment.

i like this post. it is very interesting

Excellent post. There are so many questions that I will never be able to answer but I feel that I have enjoyed so many blessings, as is so evident as I look around, that denial of a Creator would be out of the realm of common sense for me.

Agreed @team101. Creation itself is amazing and even declares God's glory.
Psalms 97:6 The heavens declare his righteousness, and all the people see his glory.

I read a scientific article a few years ago about stars emitting sound. It was even called, "The Stars Sing."

Job 38:7 When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy?

Also, science tells about vibrations on earth and in the universe. "When an object vibrates, it exhibits a motion that repeats itself over the same path in a periodic fashion."

When we speak, the sound of our voice is made through vibrations.

So, for me, it's not difficult at all to believe that, God said, "let there be light," and there was light, along with everything He has spoken. The Bible says that His word is living, and it is.

Read Aristote and Saint Thomas d'Aquin ;)

very nice article

Science is studying all of the every fields of activity

I find it interesting when people try to describe God with the context of language. They always fall short . Faith is the belief in something that can not be explained. I can only guess that its processed internally , somehow bypassing the mind. ie. You know its real but you cant explain it or figure out how it works. The thing I love about Science is that is is there to debunk mis information and dogma which has been spread by religion. I think that Science is arrogant enough to try to either prove or disprove God but will always be frustrated due to a lack of understanding of what God is

I have to agree that it is an individual pursuit. God called each of us to an individual relationship. It's not a, "one shoe fits all," type of thing. Even those within the scriptures who walked closely with God had their own individual relationship, gifts, and direction in Him. Still, God is the head over His children, and there is a purpose in gathering together in Him.
I know that there are many who don't think too highly of Christians and use that as an excuse to not draw near to God. But in the end, it's each of our own personal relationships with Him that matters.

Thank you @livingwaters for this post! I agree 100% with you. Praise the Creator for the wonderful creation, where everything was created perfectly by the Perfect God!

Thank you for reading and commenting my friend @hope777 God's creation really does declare His glory.

Nice Job! Creation is a beautiful things but He who is behind it all is the Treasure!


(continuing from the last comment because it was too long)

In a recent study, where cardiac-arrest patients were followed for a period of four years, both in the UK and the US, reported that 40% of the patients who were declared "legally dead," for a period of time, described a state of being aware for a period that goes on significantly longer than the time frame that death actually occurs.

So, this is one study and relies on subjective opinions of someone who was in an unconscious or semi conscious state. Let me tell you that I've been unconscious quite a few times in my life and your entire concept of reality and time is completely whacked. Last time I had severe trauma to the head in an accident and didn't become conscious from my perspective for 40 minutes. However people around me said I'd been lucid and talking to them for a long time before that, in fact most of the time. Similarly there are areas of the brain that when not functioning can literally lead someone to have an "out of the body experience". That part of the brain helps you determine from the sensory inputs where you are spatially - if disabled, which can be done experimentally - subjects report being outside of their body, above their body, in another room even. These are not magical things, but easily explained. Have you ever looked at something and being confused about distance? Tried driving with one eye closed so you don't have depth perception? Experience optical illusions or discomfort and confusion due to stroboscopic lighting? Yes, your brain can play amazing tricks on you so this one study you cite - neither amazes or surprises me.

You should also look into the physiological effects and experiences that free divers have, where they go without oxygen for way more minutes than the average person does before they experience brain death. And yet they live. Well usually. Sometimes they come so close they don't make it back. Tunnel vision, hallucinations, confusion are all things they experience on a regular basis. Nothing magical or supernatural. What kills one person may be easily achievable for another. Ditto for people left on the slab with apparently no vital signs but "come back to life" later. Medicine and biology is a very inexact science and it is no surprise that people studying statistics will often spend a lot of time looking at medical experiment data trying to draw conclusions.

Regardless I'm not really sure what you're trying to say here - are you trying to say one study at Southampton University proves that the soul lives after we are dead? If that is true then why aren't people waking up while waiting to be cremated? Why aren't we getting people rising from the grave all the time? Has there ever been a time when someone was demonstrably dead and came back to life? That university where they leave bodies out to decay - did they ever lose any that wandered off?

Or could it really be that the definition of "dead" in medicine is very error prone and this one study was experimentally flawed as so many are - which is why science requires for rigorous standards in experiments, especially medical ones. I'm sure you have read of many a tale of a person who was paralyzed at some level, breathing extremely shallowly with a very faint heartbeat and did not respond to any of the standard tests of being alive. However they were still conscious enough to realize they were being declared dead and perhaps dragged off to a morgue. Others have barely managed to avoid being cut open for transplant prep when someone noticed faint signs of life. Kids have been tossed into icy water and due to vestigial diving reflex managed to survive very long periods without breathing and oxygen before being rescued and resuscitated. If you take a CPR course you'll know that it very rarely works, even when done by trained professionals. However in the rare occasion it does you're going to feel like it was a miracle - and so will the person saved. However really it is just mostly luck and probabilities. Right person, right time, right treatment, right response... but like the single number on the roulette table, once in a while you'll strike it lucky and think oh lordy, it's a miracle! Nope, just dumb luck and your biased pattern matching, just like every "answered prayer" ever.


well explained keep up

I'd further like to state that science delves into creation while bypassing the ultimate Creator, which I personally see as deception.

I really wonder where you think the deception is? Science is the study of the reality we seem to all share. Scientists look at the world around them and start digging into with with experiments and with generations of people doing the same, we amass some knowledge and understanding about how the world around us seems to work. There is no deception in that process. The people that are obscuring the truth are the ones that try to claim that there is something wrong with studying the world around us and discovering things about it.

science is ever changing

Science is ever improving. It's expanding our understanding of the world around us. If we care about knowledge and truth, what else are we to do anyway?

Maybe it's just me, but I tend to think that denying God is very closed-minded.

Why would not believing in a claim be close-mindedness? If a person demands evidence before they accept a claim, that makes them less close-minded because they are always willing to change their position when they are presented with evidence. The close-mindedness comes when you accept something on faith and you shut out any evidence that contradicts your unsubstantiated assumptions about the world because the person values their faith more than they value finding out about reality.

Those who follow along this path worship creation rather than the Creator, who is by far more amazing than creation itself. It is far more important that we know Him and seek His will.

Science and the human desire for knowledge and technological progress has nothing to do with worship. You know what is the difference between reality (which you seem to call creation) and the supposed creator you speak of? The fact that all of us can see, test and study reality while nobody has yet managed to show that a creator indeed exists. Yet you claim that studying the reality we know exists is deception while accepting somebody else's unproven claims about a supposed deity is not. I'm sorry, but I see that as totally unreasonable and unjustified.

Everyone is free to believe whatever fairy-tale they choose to, but saying that studying reality is more deceptive than accepting your chosen fairy-tale on faith can in my honest opinion be only delusional or dishonest, but by no means could it be reasonable.

LIFE AFTER DEATH: Scientists reveal shock findings from groundbreaking study: [...]

It's really not a matter of how long the brain preserves some activity after the heart stops, but a matter of if that activity can somehow continue forever and get translated to some supernatural realm. Could this study even suggest the possibility of let alone justify a claim like that? In my opinion, not at all.

Anyone can choose to believe these scriptures or not, but God's word sends out a challenge to every living soul that seek the absolute truth.

The big question here I think is why would a reasonable person at all believe those scriptures. How do you know a deity sent those words instead of those words being a deception? If you care about truth, wouldn't you start with thing you can be certain of, like the reality we share, not stories that might just as well be made up? If you can find evidence to show that those stories are true - great, I'd be happy to accept them, too, but if you can't - why place any faith in them?

Well prepared information about science!! Thanks..

Be careful mixing science and god.

What happens when you use the scientific method on a god?

The title of this article is KILLER! So true!

I am not sure how your interesting start on science ended with life after death? Either way, thank you for your post.

Thank you and yes God is the creator not the Universe or the light or what ever they call it. Jesus also said believe in things not seen as if it already exist. So they actually just confirming God's word. Amen. God bless

Everything exists because nothing cant exist without something. The nothing is the something at the exact same time. All possibilities exist all at the same time as different vibrations of energy. The illusion of time is caused by the brain moving electrons between neurons creating images one after the other like a movie. This gives the universe or the everything to hitch a ride in this brain and become human. When you do DMT to leave your body and stop being human, once you do that you then return to becoming one with everything.