Most of us would want to look good in the eyes of others, to be looked up to in our community. But sad to say, this is not what God wants. To be good in somebody else's eyes, we must set good examples. We must be advocates of goodness for others to follow.

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Philippians 3:17 says;
Join with others in following my example, >
brothers, and take note of those who live according to the pattern we
gave you.
Godly leaders are vital to the church because we need to see Christianity lived out before us. That's why Apostle Paul told Timothy to be an example to the believers in word, in conduct, in spirit, and in purity.

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A spiritual leader must live according to the virtue of God so that others can see the good in him and emulate them.
In the congregation, spiritual leaders must be watchful in everything that he does.
Remember we are the light of the world. The people around us are watching every single move we do. So let us as Christians, let our light shine so others may see us.
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