As unpleasant as it may sound ,one of the greatest relationship tie is that which exist between people of the same faith(men and women who worship God in spirit and truth).

During His time here on earth ,Jesus at one point was told that His mother and siblings were waiting for Him outside . This was His reply :
Mark 3:35

[35]For whoever does the things God wills is My brother and sister and mother!"

His definition of family is not those related by blood but by obedience to God. It is therefore clear that Jesus expects us to treat as siblings all of those that fellowship with us in spirit and truth.

Since this is God's standard , there is no need to backbite one another neither should we give room for strife .

As we travel round the world ,from place to place ,carry on your mind that wherever you find a Christian you have found Your Family .

This is not a nuclear family but a GLOBAL one.

God bless you as you meditate on this.