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RE: An Interesting Fact about the Eclipse

in #christian-trail8 years ago

An interesting thing that was pointed out to me about this eclipse is that it happened 40 days before You Kippur, also called the day of atonement or day of judgement. This is one of the 7 feasts of Yahweh given to his children. Many are saying the eclipse is a sign, that we have 40 days as a nation to repent and if we don't, judgement will come to the US. Chances are we will not repent and judgement will come. Maybe the eclipse in 7 years is signaling the end of the judgement. Who knows. Yahweh knows.


Personally... I think this eclipse marks the seven year period that starts the tribulation. And then the eclipse 7 years from now will Mark the end. And God taking us believes up to heaven.

That doesn't line up with scripture though. The start of the tribulation is marked by the signing of a treaty with many plus the scriptures tell us that if those days were not shortened not even the elect would survive, so we know it's less than 7 years.

It says that about the Great Tribulation. I'm marking a difference between the tribulation and the Great tribulation which will only be 3.5 years. the other 3.5 years will be years of peace. And I'm starting to hear rumors of Donald Trump starting to facilitate peace treaties with other nations. I'm not sure they are all true... I still have more research to do.