From what I understand the book comes at much cronic illness from the standpoint that many people need spiritual/emotional healing. And much sikness is just a symptom of the way that we look at things. With that said I might say that pot might be a bandaid that you are using to cover up a deep wond.I would like to recommend a book, the book is called "A More Excelent Way by Hennry W. Wright"
At some point I think that it would be helpful if I studied the entire book! (also can you tell me about Rick Simpson oil-Thanks)
Yes, pot was a band aid for me as well as it being a crutch.
Rick Simpson oil is a very powerful and concentrated form of cannabis, intended for medicinal use. I've heard of it being consumed in capsules, swallowed and also used topically.
More info:
Thank you for the book recommendation. I'll make a note and look into book some.
Also I want to say that each of us deals with different problems. satan would like to cause us to think that all tempetation should disappear when a person becomes a Christian, but that is not true. I know a guy that when he gave his heart to CHRIST he was delivered from years of smoking tobacco. The man did not even crave a cigarette, but then one day he smoked a cigarette to help keep him awake and he was hooked on cigarettes...but this time when he tried to quit his journey as marked with withdraws.