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Well, it looks like Jesus went out into the dessert and went to Tibet. Where he studdied Buddhism.

There is so many tell tales in the bible. Like, when he said "I am the son of man", this is buddist speak for, I am about to lay down the heavy word, so listen up well.

Jesus also spoke often in parable, another sign of going to Tibet.

However, Tibet is not the only place he stopped. There is signs that he made stops in India and Japan.


That's all nonsense. Jesus didn't go to Tibet or India. There are no tall tales in the Bible.

So Jesus talking in parables mean he went to Tibet. LOL!!!

Of course these things aren't written in the bible. Why would they be?

However they are written in old Tibetan books. They are also carved in stone in India, and recorded in Japan.

Further, if you study these old books, then you will see many similarities between them and how Jesus spoke. It is like watching swordsman in the age of the samurai. You knew who taught them by so many tell tale signs. Or, you could just be ignorant and think they all just swing their swords about until one dies.