What if everybody did what they were doing? Steem would become a revolving door for most people. They would come in. Say "Looks like SCAM CITY. I'm out!". Except the scammers/schemers, they'll feed for as long as possible. Then, what's stopping them from monetizing to become another bid bot. What if this is the evolutionary cycle?
Or they are just powering down to cash out which doesn't do Steem a lot of good.
Question... what's more likely:
You walk into a room where everyone is getting along and chatting and having a good time, very welcoming and immediately engaging, with a few people in the fringes casing some static/being annoying/maybe playing a game of dice or such but mostly just ignored by the general public and left to their own minimally impacting devices... and you leave because of those fringes not being stopped.
You walk into a room where everyone is just bickering on if they should kick out the dice players, and the dice players are arguing over who's dice game is a bigger scam, and by and large everyone ignores you to keep focused on that... with a few exceptions of people shooting you a dirty look to see if you're a dice player or going to start up your own dice game until you have enough "clout" to really have a voice in their arguments. And you stay anyway.
You're currently very focused on contributing to room 2.
Minnowbooster offers a GREAT service to really help people get their voice heard in room 2 over all the arguing, sycophantic boot licking, and self aggrandizement. Do they make some money on it? Of course... but they also spend money running a website, managing it, writing the algos and automation, etc... these things deserve a little payback.
How many newbies have you gone and found, resteemed for a couple of weeks, delegated some power to, and helped to really get their foothold in the community?
Perhaps Matthew 7:3 should be where you're focused...
The long and short of it is this... if you'd been expending your energy/votes on encouraging good works instead of punishing bad ones, you'd have had a much greater impact... though it would likely satisfy your ego less. Man loves power, and nothing encourages man more than the exercise of his power to lord over others. It's much easier to feel good and "just" for punishing those you deem a villain than it is to take the same power and slowly attempt to raise up those less fortunate, often thanklessly.
A few in fact. Not delegated. Straight up gave it to them. They just never got interested I guess. One was a eminent pastor and former friend who branded me a heretic for my views concerning conditional immortality. That's a story for another day I suppose.
To be honest and I sincerely thank you for your feedback, think the scenario you painted is a false dilemma. It's not one or the other. There are various shades of gray in between.
I know @Binkley and I work hand in hand to have helped many a minnow within the Steemthat community. Maybe you should consider being part.
I cannot say that I have repented of my intent to reward flaggers of freesteem but I think when this is over we can arrive at a peaceable resolution.
I don't think there is a problem giving out your post rewards to upvoters. Not at all but using it as a marketing ploy prior to payout for your post. Now that's a problem.