The Words We Live By

in #chivalry7 years ago

So this may seem like an odd topic for a mental health therapist to blog about, however, I think it is very relevant in regards to peoples’ emotional well-being.


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What principles or values do you live by? Have you ever asked yourself that? Perhaps you live by a set of religious values or base your actions on a single principle which you have acknowledged over the years. What's your personal manifesto all about?

I recently read a great blog entry about creating a personal manifesto. A personal manifesto is basically a creed or code you want to live your life by expressing core beliefs.

Traditionally, these types of codes were written down and prescribed to certain groups, such as the code of Bushido, the explicit code of conduct for the samurai warrior class in feudal Japan. Although just because such a code of conduct exists, doesn’t mean everyone will agree to follow it. The Code of Chivalry created for European knights was rarely rigorously followed by many of a knight.

Although just because such a code of conduct exists, doesn’t mean everyone will agree to follow it. The Code of Chivalry created for European knights was rarely rigorously followed by many of a knight.


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Instead, a personal code of conduct is far more relevant and powerful. Your personal code of conduct should follow what you tacitly believe, your values and principles. Why is this important? In counseling, as espoused by Carl Rogers, the concept of congruence is extremely important or put simply, in order to become the best me (self-actualization), I need to follow what I believe and not do things which conflict with these perceived values and morals.

A personal manifesto can help you stay focused like a laser pointing the way forward, a doctrine which can help clarify ethical decision making. An old therapist adage states: “don’t think it, ink it!” Think about creating a personal manifesto and maybe writing it down and displaying it someplace where you will see it and be reminded how to live your best self-actualized you every day of your life.


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