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RE: The Rules of Getting Married in China

in #china7 years ago (edited)

Culture influences the society`s conditioning and the way one should live. I guess the man really needs to have a STABLE job before marrying. With all those mentioned things that a man must fulfill for the sake of his soon-to-be-wife, he is also obligated to take care the money to be used on their wedding day.

Thank you for introducing us the cultural norm/traditional wedding of Chinese.


Generally speaking a man needs a stable anywhere to get married. hehe. And from what I have been told here after he gets married his wife will control all the money that comes to the family. So I say she can control my salary but don't touch my BTC and Steemit. ^^

Will checkout your posts and follow you.

haha. It is the same norm followed in the Philippines. But in my opinion, it is a sign of respect to wait the husband heartily lend the money; rather than asking him his money. Great, great post! Keep up posting!