外国人到底有多羡慕中国? How much do foreigners envy china?

in #china7 years ago


Some people, eat the mobile payment of the aphrodisiac to eat too much, really do not look down.

你带一张支持 VISA 的信用卡到发达国家的大城市去试试看是个什么体验再来评价好吗?

Would you like to take a VISA-supported credit card to a big city in a developed country to see what it's like to be judged?


All you have to do is take out your wallet, throw out your card, and you're done. You don't need a password. you don't even need a signature.

相比国内的问总价、问二维码在哪、开微信(对,我就是说的微信这个傻逼软件,用 iOS 11 的相机是扫不出来的),等 App 打开(别说我手机垃圾,iPhone X),扫码,输金额(有时候还要确认一遍总价),确认支付,Face ID 识别,成功之后有时候还要给卖家看一眼。

Instead of asking the total price at home, asking where the qr code is and how to open wechat (yes, i'm just talking about wechat's stupid software that can't be scanned with an iOS 11 camera) , wait for the App to open (not to mention my phone junk, iPhone x) , and scan the code, the amount of money lost (and sometimes the total) , recognition of payment, Face ID recognition, and sometimes a look at the seller after success.

我就是因为觉得扫码支付太麻烦,一个月内除了外卖、自己做饭,在外面就只吃罗森 + 金拱门 + 星巴克,因为都可以 Apple Pay。

I just feel like it's too much hassle to Pay for a scan, and all i eat in a month is Rawson's golden arches star, Buck, because it's all Apple Pay.


Plus, you don't have to carry a wallet to get there. I think one of the worst places in the developed world is that you have to wear a tissue when you go out. In any city in the developed world, you can easily find tissues in any public place. I've got enough room for four of those cards without two packets of paper towels.

甚至连八达通和 Suica 这种公交衍生卡都不知道比微信方便到哪里去了,在香港或者东京的便利店,结账、掏卡,就完了。公交卡使用频次高,直接放口袋里就行。

Even bus derivatives like octopus and Suica are nowhere near as convenient as wechat's, with convenience stores in hong kong or tokyo, checking out, paying out cards, and that's it. Use a bus card frequently, just put it straight in your pocket.

Suica 也可以加入到 Apple Pay,不用联网,不用生物授权,iPhone X 或者 Apple Watch 全局按两下侧键就可以呼出,NFC 挥一下就可以识别,比你进入特定 App 的支付,根本就是次元级的领先好么?

Suica can also be added to Apple Pay, without the internet, without a biometric license, the iPhone x or an Apple Watch that can be flashed with two keystrokes, and the NFC can be recognized with a wave, which is more than you can Pay for a particular App, so it's a sub-level lead, okay?

真要说技术上的强势,去看看 Amazon GO,进店拿手机扫一下,然后直接随意拿商品,拿好了直接走,各种传感器已经记录好了你买的东西,自动在你的 Amazon 账户里扣款。

If you really want to talk about technical strength, check out Amazon GO, GO in and swipe your phone, grab the product, take it and GO straight away. sensors have already recorded what you're buying and are automatically taking money from your Amazon account.


A friend in seattle experienced it and said to me, this thing, whether it's an obvious user experience or the technology behind it, has exploded three dozen streets of so called new retail and mobile payments in the country.


Open your eyes, too, and see the world. Thank you.



