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RE: IS HONG KONG a test of REAL CHINESE geopoltical POWER? What if China can't be stopped?

in #china6 years ago

Dear Piotr, China is control us with economics right now, do you know how many companies in Italy closed due to coming of chinese products?
Of course being goegraphically near to China is not easy and their power can be more because they are big and powerful.
Hong Kong have a write agreement that will keep its indipendency for 50 years from the time british left, but we are not so far right now from this moment, so they are just training Hong Kong people that soon party will end...


Dear @intellihandling

do you know how many companies in Italy closed due to coming of chinese products?

Actually I don't know. Many?

Hong Kong have a write agreement that will keep its indipendency for 50 years from the time british left, but we are not so far right now from this moment, so they are just training Hong Kong people that soon party will end..

We're only half way and things are already heating up real quick.

I just had a chance to read you comment (somehow i didn't notice your reply earlier on) and I wanted to thank you for sharing your thoughts. Appreciate it.
