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RE: Meet Xi Jinping, President For Life

in #china7 years ago

I really don't understand why this news is so important, as far as I know the Chinese leader has always been an authoritarian figure, the head of a totalitarian state. This is how they work, and up to now it has been successful. Mao was chairman until his death, Deng was the paramount leader until he retired and even then was very powerful. So this president for life is nothing new, and I think no problem for Chinese culture.


It sets an ominous tone for the future though, which only confirms that Chinese people are completely powerless against their own government.

Add in the fact that, the U.N. has stated in its own charter that China is to be the model nation for all others to emulate, and the future looks quite grim indeed.

Well actually I think most people are powerless against their governments.


Chairman Mao, said something like, he who holds the gun, holds power.

Most governments have vastly superior weaponry than their subjects.