The not so daily China boast - Edition 1

in #china6 years ago


Finally! We're live, more or less.

In this edition:

China was first! (As if we hadn't known that.)
Hong Kong's Finest
The Emperor's Moments
ConfuXius says

And now: Let's all sing praise to China! Hail Emperor Xi!

China was first!

The proof is finally out! China was the first civilization on Earth and all others only copied from China.

Our brightest minds have definitively proved that the Chinese civilization was the one from which all others originated. After only 20 years of research, pre-eminent scholar Du Gangjian (杜钢建) from the 'World Civilization Origin Research Promotion Association" and his colleagues finally came to the conclusion all patriotic Chinese had known all along.

Detailed analysis of language properties of English showed striking similarities to Chinese. One of those is the fact that the English word 'yellow' very much resembles Chinese '叶落' (yè luò), which means 'falling leaf'. As we all know, falling leaves in England's autumn are always yellow (never brown or greenish). Hence this is clear evidence that the English word derives from Chinese.
Even more convincing may be the word 'shop'. It is almost an exact copy of the Chinese 商铺 (shāngpù) which means just the same.

There are hundreds more of such examples in the English lexicon. Even based on these similarities alone we can conclude that English is a derivate of Chinese. But there is more.

Wang Peiliang (王佩良), almost as eminent a researcher as Du, was inspired by this work and also researched the relationship of English and Chinese. He came to the same conclusions as Du Gangjian and wrote a book of 600,000 words on 'Interpretation of English and Chinese Cognates'. If 600,000 words are not enough to prove that English derives from Chinese, what is?

But there is more. Professor Zhu Xuanshi (诸玄识) studied the origin of Western civilisation in the British Museum and found that English was only "born" in 1755 when Samuel Johnson published the 'Dictionary of the English Language', almost 40 years after the famous Kangxi Dictionary. Zhu was astonished to find that both dictionaries contained many words!

If that is not enough for you, what about that? 10 years ago even the British Museum had to admit that English is derived from Chinese. Ancient Egypt & Greece both referred to the Chinese lunar year!

Professor Zhu Xuanzhi’s and professor Du Gangjian’s research clearly shows that the West has no history before 1500. Everything before was just an invention by Joseph Scaliger who made it up by imitating Chinese history. Newton believed that European antiquity was a forgery and Voltaire that ancient Western civilisations were just copies of Chinese dynasties. Even the "year of the Lord", AD, is just plagiarised from a Yuan Dynasty calendar.

The economy, science and technology, education, and philosophy of modern Europe in the 18th and 19th centuries were all simple copies of Chinese ideas. Even the foundation for Marxism has been laid in China.
The European Renaissance was based on Chinese philosophy. That's why back then almost everyone in Europe had a portrait of Confucius and Laotse in their home.

Professor Du Gangjian also proved that the English people are actually a lost Chinese tribe. The old English traced their origin to a small country in the East. Some thought that might have been India, but actually they are derived from the Chinese who were living in the Indus Valley at the time and then emigrated to England. Professor Du Gangjian's research has been recognized by scholars from the United Kingdom, the United States, Japan and South Korea.

Even Western scholars like John Hobson now agree that China lays at the root of Western civilisation. English, French, German, Russian, Japanese, Korean etc. all originated in China and we are all one family. Soon, the West will recognise this. Then China will lead the world once again.

Hong Kong's Finest


Back from science to our daily bread.

Evil Western propaganda has painted a bleak picture of our proud servants, the Hong Kong police. We want to tell the world: The Hong Kong Police still has the support of all Chinese!

They are still doing a fine job. They defend themselves virtuously against dirty old bastards attacking them while kneeling:

They even only throw one little tear gas container when viciously attacked by a horde of black hand journalists:

They hunt terroristic protesters for hours along the streets and if they don't catch them, they proudly arrest one of those extremely dangerous bystanders:

Overall, as you can see, Hong Kong's Finest are still doing a great job against all odds.


Our omniscient Emperor Xi, praise be upon him, wrote a letter this week. In it he congratulated the China Foreign Languages Publishing Administration for spreading China's truth in the world.

Benevolent Emperor Xi, praise be upon him, also urged them to write better China stories, so that their narrative would not be drowned out by ugly Western propaganda about concentration camps in Xinjiang or police violence in Hong Kong. If they can write the right stories, the world will understand how well-meaning and benevolent the CCP is and submit willingly to Chinese supremacy.

After writing that letter, our god-like Emperor Xi, praise be upon him, enjoyed a pork baozi.


That's it for today.
More to come, as time allows and news provides.
Don't forget to praise Emperor Xi and pray to the CCP!