China became the most investment country in Pakistan ♥♥♥ 中国成为巴基斯坦投资最多的国家

in #china7 years ago (edited)

In 2007-08, the most astounding outside venture was found in the year 2007-08, which was $ 5.4 billion, however after 2008 the emergency in vitality emergency was because of absence of administration and security because of absence of remote speculation. Residential direct speculation development is being found in which 49% of venture is being finished by the nation of China.

China had put $ 1.86 billion in the monetary year 2017, trailed by Holland's $ 463 million, Turkey is third at $ 136 million, while Norway "Egypt" from the United Arab Emirates and the United Arab Emirates in 2017 I saw the fall in speculation.

Outside direct interest in the nation expanded by five percent, while China turned into the most direct venture nation in Pakistan. As indicated by the current information issued by State Bank, outside direct interest in Pakistan was at $ 2.41 billion toward the finish of monetary year 2016-17.


2007 - 08年度,2007 - 08年度最令人震惊的外部风险是54亿美元,但2008年以后,紧急情况紧急状况由于缺乏管理和安全,因为没有远程投机。 正在发现住宅直接投机发展,其中49%的企业正在由中国国家完成。

中国在2017年的货币年度已经投放了18.6亿美元,其中荷兰4.63亿美元,土耳其是1.36亿美元的第三,而2017年的阿拉伯联合酋长国和阿拉伯联合酋长国的挪威“埃及”看到了秋天 在猜测

外界的直接兴趣扩大了百分之五,而中国则变成了巴基斯坦最直接的国家。 正如国家银行发布的现有资料所示,2016年至2016年货币年度结束时,巴基斯坦境外的直接利益为24.1亿美元。
