Dear diary- Children on board (entry #9)

in #children7 years ago (edited)

Dear diary,
I know you know this but sometimes I fancy being a writer of fiction. Mostly simple stories for children and young adult. I download all these writing apps and prompts so I just keep writing.
I like this story I wrote today.
So I'm sharing; I used a writing prompt app here- you know? Where you shake your phone and something comes up?

This is what I got:

A Hockey Game

A hospital nurse

five hard candies

Old perfume

child ice hockey palyer.jpg

Sensibly in love

She watched as he glided across the ice, a picture of power and speed and …utter cuteness!

So many of the other girls in the arena liked him too…all the girls under 10 anyway…girls her age!

What chance did she have?

It was cold in the ice hockey stadium and she shivered ever so slightly and buried her hands deeper into the pockets of her thick woolen jacket. Her fingers curled around the small vial of old perfume that she knew her mother wouldn’t miss. It smelled nice. Very much like her father’s Old Spice cologne but for girls. He’d like how she smelled if he came close enough again. Or if she got close enough again.
The other hand found the five peppermint candies she had hastily swiped from the kitchen counter. A girl couldn’t have enough of minty breath, especially if she was going to muster enough courage to say hello after the game.

Two rows down, she could make out Cindy Lauper’s head, her lushes brown locks shiny and bouncy as she enthusiastically to the other girls sitting closely by her on either side. All the heads were bobbing up and down and side to side, like bright little balloons.

Aminah sighed. She had straight dark, thick hair that took hours to brush and tame into a ponytail. She had nice brown eyes and wasn’t too thin or fat but she definitely didn’t have the chic, nice sweater and cute skirt Cindy was wearing or the cute shoes or bags the other girls were wearing. She had her grey flannel skirt on with her sensible dark grey tights and her sensible blue , woollen sweater and the black thick, sensible coat over. Even her shoes were sturdy and sensible.

How she’d love long black boots that you could wear under anything. She could look taller and walk so much more nicely if she had long, black boots.

Her mum , who was a hospital nurse told her that the being sensible was ..well, just…sensible!

Aminah had always listened to her mother. She had good grades in school, spoke politely to everyone, never got into trouble and always did what she was told until Theo James spoke to her.

Theo James , the star hockey player for the under 12 division.
He was sooooo cute and nice and smart.
And sensible too.

She had tripped over her untied shoe laces at break time while she was walking past him. He was of course talking to his friends.

“Crash!” went her tray as she and her food went flying across the floor.
She had heard gasps and laughter and sat there mortified, too embarrassed to get up. Then this arm was extended to help her up and this voice had asked, ever so nicely….
“Are you okay?” he asked worriedly.
She had assured him she was, even if her ankle throbbed and she knew she’d have a bruiser on her knee later.

She smiled politely and thanked him, while looking at the damage to the cafeteria floor.
What a mess!
She picked up her tray and spilled cup and plates and cutlery…or rather they both did it together and he carried her tray over to the conveyor belt.

She hobbled next to him rather limply and was conscious of the rude stares and whispers and giggles.

Theo didn’t seem to notice but she was bothered.

“ Are you okay,” he asked again, his handsome face peering down at her legs. She could stare at the top of his head forever, she decided.

The he looked up and Aminah decided that she had her changed her mind and she could stare at this face, forever.

The rest was a blur, but she had hobbled out of the room, in what she hoped was a dignified and sensible way.
After that, he had always said hi or waved when he saw her but she was too shy to say anything more than hi and smile back.
But today, she was going to speak to him after the game.
She would be sensible no longer.
She was in love


She grabbed one of the peppermint candies out of her pocket. She needed courage. To say more.
She would jostle up close and say something funny and smart.
She would!

...and then Im stuck, dear diary. I don't know how to continue with the story.
Ive stared at this story for days.

Please give me inspiration.
