50% of the questioned persons cannot imagine a life without their smartphone
After recent studies made in the last few years, scientists have come to a rather "bad" conclusion:
Children are becoming "tech-addicts" younger and younger, which has a bad impact on the social behaviour, as well of the health of our next generation.
Those health issues start with bad social interractions, hyperactivity, concentration problems and can go up to BMI ( Body Mass Index) dissruption, psychological problems.
According to researchers, the young generation nowadays is becoming addicted to Tech since preschool, mostly trough inadequate monitoring from the parents. ( no blame intended on any parent here ! )
Recent studies have shown that in 2016 aproximately 7% of the children between ages 6-8 ( first school class) have their own smartphone, compared to "barely" 3% in year 2012.
Between the ages of 2-6 years, the time using an Internet capable device ( Smartphone or Tablet) increases, from 30 minutes up to two hours daily, tendence growing !
The usage of the devices will up to several hours untill the age of 18.
Just those good old times, when you went out in the summer as a kid and had a good time, didn´t matter it was summer, fall or winter
It has been proven, that using a smartphone or a notebook can cause sleep problems, if used in the last hours before going to bed, because the light emitted by these devices tend to keep our brain active, therefore having trouble falling asleep, not getting the rest needed and being unfocused as a follow up.
I myself am also a fan of the technology today, because of my work but also private, but I would like, if possible, to educate my future children properly when it comes to technology.
thannks to @oendertuerk for the GIF.
My nieces, 2 and 5, both use tablets all day.
I know. Almost every kid under the age of 10 that i know is addicted to either tablet or smartphone. And honestly, it freaks me out a bit.