Kids intuitively play together better than adults.

in #children2 years ago


When I was a kid, I loved that playing with a lightsaber meant that it made you invulnerable to any of kind of toy gun. There wasn't any debate about that. It was just understood.

Better yet, all the other kids playing with various plastic weapons would validate it. Like, if a kid showed up with one of those cowboy cap-guns, and you showed up with a lightsaber, it would be like 'cap' 'cap' cap' and you'd wave around your lightsaber and make really lame warbling noises, and nine times out of ten, the kid with the cap-gun would validate "oh Ok he blocked my shots, now I gotta back up and wait for him to let his guard down."

What does that say about the mentality of children vs adults? What is it that flipped us from being such virtuous people, to the doubtful, conceitful adults we are today?

I think the point of all this is just that, I think kids intuitively play together better than adults and I'm not really sure why.