If Feminism was Real

If Feminism was about anything feminine one issue that would be getting airtime is child birth.

So many are quick to argue that men have no say in a Woman's right to "choose" life or death another individual but I would like to see our choice of a hospital man centered birth vs a home birth in the hands of women.

Child birth used to be in the hands of women. The woman having the child and the midwives assisting. It was men deciding this was a money opportunity that took birthing out of our hands and put us in hospitals in medical hands whose trust is in men not the birthing process.

Now I'm not man bashing this is just how things have happened but where is the feminist? Out trying to castrate men and assert their own balls.

Yes women benefit but also suffer. Our life giving wombs are praised as a place for death if we choose but not exalted as a matrix by which comes forth every worthy human being with their ideas, Inspiration, and love.

Home birth is precious for those who will consider it. Your births are YOURS. Do not feel shame for a hospital epidural birth if that is your choice and do not fear home birth if that is your journey. Enjoy your birthday they bless the whole world. They change all if reality


This is a great post @thefruitfultree this is exactly the problem facing birth and freedom of birth. So many women have become disempowered, convinced that they cannot birth without assistance from obstetricians. I have made this comment before but obstetrics is the fastest growing profession in health care and also the one that brings the most money. I really believe that women have been fighting for the wrong thing, we may have gained equal wages in some places but that is nothing compared to birthing your child and becoming empowered.Resteemed

A really good post. Feminism is just a left wing political movement, and zero to do with empowerment of women.

you might like my poem...its not Shakespeare. lol
