Update: Today, October 7 Byron has updated his original Voat post by explaining everything fully on the following Medium article: https://medium.com/@BryonAdams5/the-disappearance-of-anne-faber-and-the-mysterious-tweet-of-9-3x09-ec7c58b163e5
Byron Adams reports he has traced clues about a 25 year old missing woman, Anne Faber, from some Elsagate related channels, to a Twitter Account posting bizarre images and encrypted messages, where to look for her. By following breadcrumbs from the anonymous Twitter user he discovered a horrible image (above) - a child posted for sale on YouTube, bound and gagged. There are potentially other missing children being sold by these individuals who have this child, and this is obviously evidence of a larger network which potentially implicates Elsagate channels.
I am asking for your help in sharing his research with international law enforcement in case it is possible to rescue this child.
Please go to this article or his Voat post and retweet the following tweet to law enforcement.
Reference: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2175269
Missing Dutch girl in news connected to Elsagate and sinister Twitter account (pizzagate)
submitted 1.3 hours ago by Ushil
Ok, I got mentioned in a tweet by a columnist today about my Elsagate article and it seems like very strange things are going on in which your help is appreciated.
The tweet:
Translation: Code-account which tried to lead police to Asylum Seekers Center yesterday and was suspicious #annefaber is known ‘ARG-creator’ (beneath) http://verenoflood.nu/elsagate-de-kinderkanalen-op-youtube-onschuldig/
Anne Faber is a girl of 25 years old which has been in the news in the Netherlands because she has been missing.
Dutch newspaper De Telegraaf about her missing: https://www.telegraaf.nl/nieuws/421054/anne-faber-25-uit-utrecht-vermist
The Twitter-account @9_3x09 which is now deleted tweeted this to the police:
She asked if someone could decode this code and the codes seem to be ROT13 and ROT8:
Kijk hier zoek hier Anne Faber = Look here, look for Anne Faber here
Hier is een tip = Here is a tip
One twitter user found that the photo is most likely a detention center:
His profile picture seemed to be a garbled image of the detention center:
This is where it gets strange. The longest code which was decoded led to a YouTube account.
Google: http://tinyurl com /y9b2ps4x
This blackdog seems to be the same person as the one who tweeted to the police.
The first video was decoded as:
This seems to refer to a Donna Posey:
This blackdog seems to be possibly a female person:
Her tweet about blackdog:
Sunny = Idiot
She also asked if someone knows if DIMSHWA or ZEIOSDW
These still have to be decoded:
~~~ embed:916060391045726214 twitter metadata:SGFkamFyfHxodHRwczovL3R3aXR0ZXIuY29tL0hhZGphci9zdGF0dXMvOTE2MDYwMzkxMDQ1NzI2MjE0fA== ~~~
On the 1st and 2nd of June this person posted the following codes:
The account of Blackdog was connected to a missing girl on the 2nd of June:
The account AHMAD SYED RASHEED seems to be related to this account,
This account was suddenly active again yesterday, while the Twitter which tweeted to the police was active too.
We suspect the person who tweeted the police might be the same as ZEAUX, because the patterns are similar:
Check out ZEAUX CXT (@ZEAUX_CXT): https://twitter.com/ZEAUX_CXT?s=09
Someone DM’d me and said that @808292bd is another account of this Blackdog:
Check out 808292 (@808292bd): https://twitter.com/808292bd?s=09
One of the videos of this Blackdog contains the following image:
JPG · 1440 x 936 Open
Shocking and sad. It only gets spookier and more disturbing the more you investigate.