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RE: Twelve "Easter Egger" Chicks Hatched, They Are SOOOOOOOO Tiny & Cute!!!

in #chickens7 years ago

Oooh that's wonderful that you would do that for your hens!! So many folks try and break the hen of their broodiness, I couldn't handle trying to do that,,,hahahahahahahaa obviously as you can see LOLOL....What kind of chicks would you usually hatch? As in, what breed.


Are you kidding? Donna got so excited when a hen went broody. She was like - free brooder, and we don't have to pay for electricity! We've had lots of breeds: Araucanas, Polish, Bantams, Silkies, Barred Rocks, those red ones. Then she goes all mad-scientist when we've got a rooster and lets them cross breed all over the place.

I've really got to get her posting on here. She got hit with a bad cold but we're hoping she'll start sharing her stuff soon.

AHHAHAAAA that's awesome! YESSS free brooder for realz!! I love the imagery of your Donna as a mad scientist LOLOLOL!!

I can't wait to get acquainted with her when she's feelin' better. Sending good vibes her way!