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RE: I love adding a new name to the leaderboard. Welcome @immarojas.

in #chessmatch8 years ago (edited)

d6->c5 is also interesting, on balance I think I like it more than f4->f3 because it keeps tempo a bit. At first I was a little fearful of advancing king this far into enemy territory, but I don't see that he can take advantage of it (check with knight looks toothless as it has no followup move and just sacrifices his bishop), and his pawns are a bit slow to be much of a threat.


I see you've withheld your upvote. Perhaps you've decided that since I'm going to win, there's not much point in boosting the pot?

nope, just so focused on the game I forgot I guess ;-)

I haven't played chess in a long, long time, and I'm not even entirely sure what's going on with this post. Judging from the comments though, it would seem @mattclarke is playing a game against the entirety of the steemit community?

If so, that's a great idea and a good thought exercise. I'd like to suggest a move. I'm not certain on where A1 or C5 etc is, but I have decoded @blocktrades suggestions and think I may have it figured out.

If we were to move the knight at f6 to d7, threatening his rook at a8, then the only move I can see for him to prevent that from happening is to move his knight at c3 to e2, placing us in check. At this point, our best option would be to move our king to e3. Now not only would his initial rook still be in jeopardy, but also the bishop in front of our king. The option would be available to him to take our knight at d4 with his knight at e2, but then he would have three power pieces in danger. I am going to stop now because this explanation of what would likely happen next could go on forever.

As I said, I haven't played in a long time, so if I am overlooking something obvious or just talking complete gibberish, ignore this comment and move on with your day. Lol

I think the part of the notation that is confusing you is that since we're playing black, the 1st rank (e.g. a1) is white's rook on right side of board. So d6->c5 is moving our king to threaten his bishop. He can either retreat bishop or try to protect it with pawn or check us with knight as you mention. Checking us with knight doesn't help him, since we just take his bishop as we move out of check and he has no good followup. If he tries to protect with pawn, we just capture pawn with knight and put in him double check to take his rook with knight fork. Same thing happens if he moves bishop elsewhere.

By the way, if you like this move, please upvote my first reply, that means you would like this to be our next move (move with most votes is the one used for black). But act fast, only got like an hour before the vote counting is done.

Sorry, I only just noticed this. I upvoted but, based on what you said it is probably too late.
I must say, this is an inventive use of Steemit and it gets the whole community involved. Great thinking!

I just posted the most recent move. The board's wide open, and there's some steem up for grabs (assuming you guys win)