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RE: Chess problem 35 / Schachaufgabe 35

in #chess7 years ago (edited)

White should move the white knight. It adds protection to the rook. Next, threaten the queen (F3-E1) with the knight so you have pressure on the queen. Queen is forced to move and at best can only take the white pawn on a2. Then white clearly has a winning position! (next move would be pawn takes black knight (F5-G6)



Congrats: 1. Ne1! is the solution! By moving the knight the queen protects the rook and the knight attacks the black queen. Therefore the queen must move, but then white can play fxg6 and take the black knight.

I played 1. Re1? Qxg2+! 2. Kxg2 Nf4+ 3. Kg3 Nxh5 and black had the advantage.

Fun games. Keep up this chess mania!

Ne1 sucks, Qc2-c3

After 1. Ne1 1. ... Qc3 sucks, because of 2. fxg6.

So, i can play h7 x g6 or the other option is Qe3+

Qe3+ threatens nothing.

Ne1, Qc3
fxg8, Qe3+ (da!)

  1. Ne1! Qc3
  2. fxg6 Qe3+
  3. Kh1 and white wins.