Season 2 Round 13
The 13th round is Saturday March 31 at 20 GMT (Duration 1 hour)
Free to join in, for all levels!Die 13. Runde ist am Samstag den 31. März 22.00 Uhr (Dauer 1 Stunde)
Die Teilnahme ist umsonst und für alle Spielstärken!Here I will add the link to the tournament 1 hour before the start:
Hier werde ich den Link zum Turnier 1 Stunde vor dem Start einfügen:
Password: steemchess
Time difference from Greenwich Mean Time GMT 20.00 (check your sun saving time!)
Hawaii | -10 hours | 10am |
Los Angeles | −8 hours | 12pm |
New York, Venezuela | −5 hours | 15pm |
UTC, GMT, London, Reykjavik, Bamako, Freetown | 0 | 20.00 |
Paris, Berlin, Madrid, Nigeria | +1 hours | 21.00 |
Istanbul, Moscow | +3 hours | 23.00 |
Dubai | +4 hours | 00am |
India | +5.5 hours | 01.30am |
Novosibirsk | +7 hours | 03am |
Beijing, Singapore | +8 hours | 04am |
Tokyo | +9 hours | 05am |
Sydney | +11 hours | 07am |
Season 2: 06 Jan to 28 Apr 2018 / Standings after Round 12 / 24 March 2018 steemit Rating Rounds Points
*************** ******************* **** ******* ******
SecularSagacity @ape-5th 2275 11 92
stayoutoftherz @stayoutoftherz 1846 12 48
Ititolee @anonymee 1917 10 41
sirtetris @zacherybinx 1844 7 38
HerbyW @schamangerbert 1581 12 32
bitsignal @bitsignal 1840 6 29
iobates @iobates 1859 6 27
beau-knows @beauknows 1900 8 26
Samostically @samostically 1918 6 26
ropavejero @ropavejero 1657 10 22
IM Sparklehorse @wpaschall 2412 2 15
perpz @perpz 1727 7 13
jaki01 @jaki01 2251 1 10
juanmi96 @juanmi96 1701 12 7
luis_carrizalez @luis07 1313 6 6
thechicken @thechicken 1293 6 5
Clinton210 @kintokris 1751 6 5
Hattifnatten @kooshikoo 1965 1 4
chamovnzl @chamovnzl 1561 2 4
johannfrare @johannfrare 1813 2 4
the2014crow @the01crow 1560 6 3
evgchess @evgsk 1219 5 3
walnere @walner 1480 6 1
Masterswatch @masterswatch 1454 6 1
ELPROFE62 @elprofe62 1182 11 0
victor0026 @victor26 1026 7 0
jeanbautista @jeanbautista 1208 6 0
solexisortiz @solexisortiz 957 5 0
marty-art @marty-art 1355 4 0
arnmed14 @luzmari 1429 4 0
ernfrarom @greciav 1097 4 0
Hende1 @hendeantoima 1179 3 0
steemit-kasparov @kasparov 1227 2 0
hundlola @hundlola 1329 2 0
feuerbolt @feuerbolt 1431 2 0
imentor @goodnessking 1318 2 0
sciack @sciack 1327 2 0
amanardis @amanardis 1276 1 0
Rainure @adityabhat 1316 1 0
crytopian @cryptobychirag 1164 1 0
arcrypto @arcrypto 1148 1 0
SSEN @vergessen 1401 1 0
germansailor @germansailor 1248 1 0
ralk98 @ralk98 1521 1 0
iron21 @hierro21
Points are given for 1. (10) 2. (8) 3. (6) 4. (5) 5. (4) 6. (3) 7. (2) 8. (1)
Please feel free to post your chess related links in the comments to grow the pool of players, thank you! You are welcome to create your own analysis or promotion post!
Bitte zögere nicht, Deinen schachbezogenen Link in den Kommentaren zu posten, um den Pool der Spieler zu vergrößern, danke! Gerne darfst Du einen eigenen Analyse oder Promotion Post erstellen!
Payout for last week (24th March):
I got 3.194 SBD from the reminder post, 22 players (22 registered): 0.15 SBD each!
Final result season 1 / Endergebnis der 1.ten Saison link
See you next time! / Bis nächstes Mal!
Thank you for your attention! / Danke für Deine Aufmerksamkeit!
Original content by
Hi Hey good Post!!! please cheack out mine ...my2018:chess upvote plis
Wow, that is so great! I am looking forward to see you in our tournament if you get the time to join in, happy to meet you here!
I offer my apology for not being able to participate last Saturday, due to an inconvenience that occurred to me and prevented me from participating. But tomorrow 31 if I will be participating and struggling to get the first places
Hi Hey good Post!!! please cheack out mine ...my2018:chess upvote plis
Oh captain @schamangerbert , your chess tournament will be one of minis 1st birthday , Freia will turn one tomorrow ,Saturday ❤️❤️❤️
So it is time to tell her how the pieces dance :) :)
really...... @schamangerbert you always good think...... good post.... i like it. I'm not good player for chess but my daughter is good player chess. and thanks for share
The time frame for Bangladesh is late in the night, some from India have joined and got very sleepy :)
I wish I had someone from Thailand to play chess with! So we will on the same time zone!!
Have a great time and full of fun too!
If there is more interest from the east time zones I will make a second tournament, I asked a few times.
Maybe 12 GMT time?
Thank you very much. I need to be in the beginner ranking!
I am not sure about the time, I'll have to check.
12 GMT is 7 am Thailand time! It's too early on a Saturday morning! Evening into the night should find more people at the computers.
Please check the GMT converter and tell me the best time frame.
interesting post once again thanks for sharing your knowledge :)
how could we forget.............?where always try to remember us ,,,,,as a person that 's like are the super master..........thanks for your share......all the best
I will try to participate
To register I need your lichess name!
I remembered I work on saturdays :( do you know if there are more like these games on steem?
hello I want to participate in the tournament my user in lichess is iron21
ok, you are in, good luck! we start in 1.5 hours from now.
I'm in the tournament, but I have to wait 1h, I'm in Rome and is 9:00 pm
We play 20 GMT time, it is now in 25 minutes