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RE: Chess problem 60 / Schachaufgabe 60

in #chess7 years ago (edited)


Congrats to the winner of this round, @iceblue! :)

Here now the full solution with diagram:

1. Bd5+ Kh8 (If 1. ... Kf8, then Nxh7 checkmate.)
2. Nf7+ Kg8
3. Ne5+


3. ... Kf8
4. Nxd7+ Qxd7
5. Rxf6+ gxf6
6. Qxd7 and white wins.


In the game followed:
3. ... Kh8
4. Ng6+! hxg6
5. Qh5+! and black resigned because of:
5. ... gxh5
6. Rxh5# (checkmate)

End position:


hahaha, broke my head on this one.

In my view....

  1. Bd5+ Kh8
  2. Nf7+ Qxf7!?!?

Then I kill you with all this material of mine. (At least thats the idea. lmao)