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RE: Chess problem 43 / Schachaufgabe 43

in #chess7 years ago


As my chess quizzes require not only a single move to be found but a whole move order, it isn't always easy to declare a winner (as often more than one participant contributes valuable ideas). In this case I decided to declare @holbein81 and @greatwolf both as winner, because both had the correct ideas.

The complete solution is as follows:

1. Bb5+! Nxc2 (1. ... Nc6 2. Bxc6 and white wins as well.)
2. Rxc2+ Bc5
3. Rxc5+ Qc7
4. Rxc7+ Kb8
5. Rc8++! Kxc8
6. Rc1#

Congrats to the winners!


Ah, nice. For some reason I was thinking the Rook takes back on c8 but I forgot about the bishop making it double check.

That's correct ... the double check leads to an elegant end. :)

What would happen if instead of defending the king on c7 the black queen took the rook? (3 … Qc7 → 3 … Qxc5) After 4. xc5 white would have a pawn blocking his own attack on the c file.

The black queen cannot take the white rook (don't forget the bishop on b5).

oops. :) i'm an idiot.

Of course not ... every chess player gets confused from time to time - even me, haha. ;-)