Chess problem 43 / Schachaufgabe 43

in #chess7 years ago (edited)


In the position below I had the white pieces and already a rather strong attack. Nevertheless my opponent probably thought he just had found the way out by playing Nd5-b4 attacking my queen and bishop a the same time (doing a so called "fork").
Fortunately there was a rather elegant way available to keep attacking and deciding the match within a few more moves.

What did I play as white?


In der Stellung unten hatte ich mit Weiß bereits einen ziemlich starken Angriff initiiert. Nichtsdestotrotz glaubte mein Gegner vermutlich, mit seinem letzten Zug Sd5-b4, der zugleich meine Dame und meinen Läufer bedroht (eine so genannte "Springergabel"), die größten Probleme gelöst zu haben.
Glücklicherweise verbarg sich in der Position eine elegante Möglichkeit, die Attacke fortzusetzen und das Spiel binnen weniger Züge zu beenden.

Was spielte ich mit Weiß?

White to move: / Weiß am Zug:

FEN: 2kr1b1r/pp3p2/2B1p2p/q5p1/Pn1P4/5PB1/1PQ2PPP/R1R3K1 w - - 0 1



As my chess quizzes require not only a single move to be found but a whole move order, it isn't always easy to declare a winner (as often more than one participant contributes valuable ideas). In this case I decided to declare @holbein81 and @greatwolf both as winner, because both had the correct ideas.

The complete solution is as follows:

1. Bb5+! Nxc2 (1. ... Nc6 2. Bxc6 and white wins as well.)
2. Rxc2+ Bc5
3. Rxc5+ Qc7
4. Rxc7+ Kb8
5. Rc8++! Kxc8
6. Rc1#

Congrats to the winners!

Ah, nice. For some reason I was thinking the Rook takes back on c8 but I forgot about the bishop making it double check.

That's correct ... the double check leads to an elegant end. :)

What would happen if instead of defending the king on c7 the black queen took the rook? (3 … Qc7 → 3 … Qxc5) After 4. xc5 white would have a pawn blocking his own attack on the c file.

The black queen cannot take the white rook (don't forget the bishop on b5).

oops. :) i'm an idiot.

Of course not ... every chess player gets confused from time to time - even me, haha. ;-)

Actually, change that, I would move my bishop back to b5

What would be your exact continuation after Nxc2 (whole move order please)?

Ok, let's try this.
White, bishop to b5, check
Black knight must defend, from b4 to c6
White bishop b5 takes knight c6
Black pawn b7 takes bishop c6
White queen takes pawn c6, check mate - after brief black queen intervention

That right?

Bishop c6-b5 check
Knight x c2
Castle x c2 check
Bishop f8-c5
Castle x c5 checkmate, again after brief queen intervention

  1. Bb5+ Nxc2
  2. Rxc2+ Bc5
  3. Rxc5+ Qc7
  4. Rxc7+ Kb8

How exactly do you checkmate now? :)

Rc8 check
Ra1 to c1 checkmate

That right?

!Rc8+ with mate in 1 to follow.

My choice would be Bb5+ also daring black to take the queen; if he doesn't I'll start making chicken noises.

What would be your exact continuation after Nxc2 (whole move order please)?

After ..., Nxc2, Rxc2+

Black has no safe squares so he can't move his king, he cannot capture the rook so the only thing he can do is block the check.

I see 3 ways he can block, none of them are really appealing:

  1. Bc5, Rxc5+ and check again

  2. Qc3, Rxc3+ loses the queen and doesn't even blunt the attack.

  3. Qc7 seems like the only move that doesn't lose outright. The next sequence would something like this: Qc7, Rxc7+, Kb8, Rd7+ threatening Rxd8#, Kc8, Rc1+ and the game is over at this point.

I'm going to say Bb5+, Nxb2, Rxb2+, Bc5, Rxc5+, Qc7, Rxc7+, Kb8... or something along those lines.

Puts you up two minor pieces with a revealed check on the next rook move. Should be an easy win from there.

Is that the right answer?

Looks good ... see above for the complete solution.
By the way it is Nxc2 (not b2) ...

Na das resteeme ich doch sehr gerne für meine schachspielenden Follower :-)

nicht das ich es verstehe...aber ich parke das mal um....

did u play online jaki ? HOPE TO HAVE IT WITH even i feel u are profi lol

Yes, it was an online chess game. Recently I don't have the time anymore to play 'offline' tournament games often.

Very Nice Post sir; Voted and followed you. I want to learn from your experience on So kindly see my posts and vote me and follow me. As we can see our future posts. Thank you @jaki01

Wow Really Info. great playing the chess, 100% like and resteem

Valuable post. wonderfully plying is chess, 100% upvote

I would take the pawn on b7 with my bishop on c6

Nice that you take part and making suggestions, but I would like to see whole move orders instead single moves only. :)

the Queen descends to the left corner beside the castle, and he is safer.

Please use the suitable coordinates of the squares. :)

Oke..i try it

the queen can go down to box b1 and I think it will be safe for a while...,

Check above for the correct solution ...

Ich war leider nie sehr gut im Schach - das verschachtelte Denken liegt mir nicht. Und nach den Antworten in den Kommentaren - darauf wäre ich nie gekommen. Trotzdem danke für den Post - interessante Sichtweise.

i started playing chess after seeing these post's :)

Very hard to guess. Nice solution by the way and congrats to the great mind who figured it out.

Goddamit, by the time I saw the post the solution was already out :(

There will be another chance. :)

wow this exciting game one more step cama can turn off the opponent, this is a game that I really like, so when can I fight you as a friendly match. Maybe you're a genius in this game of chess. thank you for sharing with us this is a good post in my opinion. @jaki01

your post awaked my passion and feels like photography is missing for a while from my life, thank you for inspiring me and congradulations for your photos, great experience!


Actually it's a chess quiz ... the photo is only a screenshot from my chess software ...

I am not good at Chess
but i seem to enjoy the game
well ,i am getting better by few steps

Auf welcher Seite erstellst du solche Szenarien? :)
Spiele viel zu selten Schach - obwohl es imo ein perfekt durchdachtes Spiel ist!

P.S. Würde mich sehr freuen, wenn du dir das hier mal anschaust! Geht um Charity - sonst würde ich hier nicht so frech reinspammen! Danke :)

This post could literally SAVE YOUR MOTHERS LIFE! Rewards put to CHARITY!

Du meinst, wie ich die Diagramme erstelle? Das mache ich mit ChessX, einer OpenSource-Schachdatenbank.

Genau das, dankeschön :) - Gibt sogar ne Mac-Version, sehr schön!

Wow posting is very interesting. You are a great chess player @jaki01

when I want to answer this chess quiz, but what power I do not understand how to play chess.
Great post @jaki01

Move the white bishop back to save it from black horse, nothing is there to save the bishop so we gotta do that

Check the solution above. Did you see that the white queen is attacked as well? The trick is to sacrifice her ...

yeah that's the point too, but I thought opposition would not like its horse dead by our elephant

Wow, a cool game, it takes a strong thought in completing this game.

boah @jaki01, jetzt gallopierst du mir geistig davon. Das Spiel der Könige hat mich schon immer gereizt, leider bin ich nie über Grundkenntnisse hinaus gekommen. Dafür reicht es aber sicherlich nicht ... :D

pfew i suck at chess haha!

so difficult~!

I need an alert when these posts go up. solved within an hour. Well done @holbein81

Thanks- I love chess, although I haven't really played since school 30 odd years ago. Glad to find this!!

c6 auf b7 würde ich auf den ersten blick sagen

c6 to b5
i am a bad chess player

Problem is solved, see solution above ...

also ich selbst bin eine Schachniete. aber mein freund der leider nicht mehr unter uns weilt war damals Schachmeister und hatte bei kämpfen mit dem glaube ich russischen spieler gespielt. daher kenne ich Schach. :-)

Amazing to see the dilema and the question. My chess knowladge is nearly 0 but stil it makes me think of possible ways to beat this. (But i cheated and looked at some others solving it)