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RE: Chess problem 35 / Schachaufgabe 35

in #chess7 years ago (edited)

Moving the knight looks best as it is preventing the queen from covering the rook. It has a lot of options that are mostly bad. We can simply eliminate those to arrive at the correct one (least bad)

Ng5 : I kinda liked but then the queen no longer covers the f5 pawn.

Nh4 : Now we invite black to just take the knight. If he does things like Qf7 > Qd5 don't give anything interesting. If Qd5 doesn't result in check the knight takes the f5 pawn covering d6. If black doesn't take the knight on h4 white has only uninteresting moves left.

Ne5 : The black knight can just take it and cover f7 in the process.

Nd4: Interesting but we haven't the technology to pin the queen to the king after the pawn takes. Its just a waste of material.

Nd2: Also interesting, it prepares the knight to take on the d6 pawn. Sadly the black queen has both c4 and e4 covered. If the black queen takes a2 however, then Ne4 becomes possible. Sadly this isn't forced and black has Ne5 which escapes capture and isn't a bad place to be for it.

This leaves Ne1 attacking the queen or the fairly uninteresting rook moves of which f1 is the most spectacular (joke) or Rook e1. It seems white has good odds pushing his pawn into an exchange.

Rf1 seems dull but black has to do something to keep his knight. With the white knight covering e5 it cant both move away and prevent Qf7+. But after Qf7+ things don't get dramatically more interesting for white.

Ne1 is really the only option as it both attacks and prevents black from Qg2+! followed by Nf4+

  1. Ne1 is the solution, indeed. :)