The slogan "Don't think about it, just do it" is brainwash to create mindless drones

in #chemtrails7 years ago

One of the most toxic mantras in our society is the line “Don't think about it, just do it.”

This line implies that you already know all you need to know. Just trust your instincts and do it, everything will be just fine.

At first this appears to make sense because overthinking and expecting all possible problems along the way could lead to inactivity and keep you from doing anything.

However, it creates a culture in which thinking about things becomes a bad thing.
So people just don't think about anything which could turn out to be problematic or “negative”.

Not even obvious phenomenons, like weird lines in the sky. Or the rise of Autism, Cancer, Corruption, Propaganda, Lies, Wars.

This attitude creates the mindless drones who just do it. Stand in line to get the newest iphone. Eat the toxic food. Vaccinate their children. Pay their taxes. Follow orders. Shoot to kill.

People buy into this mantra because it is also very convenient. Thinking is hard work. It is painful. You have to admit that you don't already know everything. It is time consuming. Not fun.
It is much easier to watch some porn, play a video game, vote for the next big guy who promises change and hope for Jesus to come and rescue you.

So most people refuse to think and believe that this is a good thing.
After all, we have more important things to do than to think about problems we can not solve anyway, so what's the use.

If we ignore things hard enough, they will go away, right?
Got to stay positive, right? Don't focus on the problem, focus on the solution.
The good always wins in the end, right?

I urge you people please



We are constantly being flooded with so much information overflow that people become "Wore out" and toss their hands up in the air so long as it is not sitting on their doorstep waiting to gnaw on them the moment that they open the door..... .... but it really is. They have done a great job with giving us a never ending supply of distractions and you hit the nail on the head "It's too much work to think... but but the news said vaccines are good for you!"...... Which is why we currently have an outbreak in 36 states

Yes. And we are attacked from so many sides that it is almost impossible to escape this devious web.
We are being raised by indoctrinated people. From baby on they put daft ideas into our heads because THEY don't know better, then the indoctrination machine called "Education", we are bombarded with dogmas in the media and if that was not enough, we have peer pressure to "Not rock the boat".
In an environment like this, how can someone free his mind and become an independent thinker?

Exactly! I think it is all about controlling language. Control the language and you can control the thoughts.

Hi there! Nice of you to leave a comment.
You are making a good point here, I agree. This is by itself a deep rabbithole.
We think in words. If I do not have a word for it, I can not really think it. The more limited your vocabulary, the more primitive the words you use, the worse your thoughts will be. There is no way around it.
And what is the language we are made to use these days? R U OK? Truncated, extremely simplified.
And of course the other aspect is to give pretty names to bad things. Works all the time.
We have a "Defense Ministry". These guys did not have much to do in the last 200 years. LOL.
War Ministry sounds a bit more appropriate. The same is true for "Education", "Healthcare", "Justice"
They are all good names but DO actually the exact opposite.
Gone are the days of a Shakespeare or Mark Twain. What we have today is a linguistic mind fuck.
Talk 2 U soon, BFF 🙂