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RE: Chemtrail watch - tonight's sunset

in #chemtrails6 years ago

So what exactly is the hard evidence that these are anything other than water vapor?

Given the various theories behind chemtrails, why has no one just flown up and obtained some samples? Surely not something that would be that hard? At the very least, there must be enough people suspicious of chemtrails to commission a flight to gather samples. A pilot, plane and sampling/testing gear couldn't be THAT expensive and should be able to reasonably prove or disprove the theories.

Maybe chemtrail conspiracy theorists should start a gofundme or something to get this done. While I tend to be skeptical that these are anything other than water vapor or something as equally non-nefarious, I would contribute to such a fund to prove it one way or the other.


jet exhaust does contain chemicals other than water vapor, jet fuel is essentially kerosene.

Personally I am with you on this one and don't need to run any experiments. I am conscious that I actually FEEL different on the days they are not spraying us. Like today for example! Back to perfect blue skies again thank goodness :)

Barometric pressure will affect mood and can even cause headaches and other maladies and that also determines how long the vapor trails will stick around for.

Humans are very sensitive to barometric pressure and you are more self aware than most.

That makes sense. But no matter the content, surely there must be a negative side effect to filling up the skies with it?

It's hard to say if it is a negative effect or not but there are measurable effects on surface temperatures caused by jet exhaust. Without them the surface would be a few degrees warmer. So it goes.

There is actually an interesting dichotomy between diesel emissions and gasoline emissions. Diesel has lots of particulates in its exhaust, mostly carbon, so it blocks the sun and cools the Earth, gasoline emissions have little particulates and lots of CO2 so they warm the Earth. Right now they somewhat balance each other out.

I think it's more like a few tenths of a degree than a few degrees. I recall there was a study done after the attacks of September 11th when all planes were grounded. There was definitely a measurable effect.

During the three-day commercial flight hiatus, when the artificial clouds known as contrails all but disappeared, the variations in high and low temperatures increased by 1.1 degrees Celsius (2 degrees Fahrenheit) each day, said meteorological researchers.

So they didn't reduce the overall temperature by that much, they reduced the daily temperature variation by that much. Contrails like clouds (which they essentially are for the most part) both reduce daytime highs by blocking/reflecting sunlight but increase nighttime lows by trapping heat. That article didn't make clear which is affected more.

The hard evidence can be found no farther away than your kitchen. Put a teapot, or any pot of water on the stove and bring it to a boil. Watch the steam, steam is water vapor. Time how long the steam hangs around on your kitchen. Hour's, day's, or second's or minuets? Water vapor evaporates within seconds. Chemicals put there by plane last for days. Doesn't take an Einstein to figure it out. All you have to do is look and stop believing the lies fed to you by the MSN and gov.

step 2 would be to reduce the atmospheric pressure in your kitchen and turn your thermostat to

Exactly. You can't compare the atmospheric conditions outside at 15-30,000 feet to your kitchen nor can you compare the amount of steam coming out of your kettle to the amount of water vapor produced by jet engines. Clouds are water vapor too. They tend to hang around for long periods of time. Even small ones. I guess clouds are really chemical agents too. Again, those claiming these trails contain something other than water vapor (plus whatever chemicals you would expect in burning jet fuel anyway), it really wouldn't be that hard to prove via sampling and testing. Why hasn't anyone done it?

Also, the government hasn't said a word to me about the nature of contrails that I am aware of. Common sense (to me) says water vapor. I look to those claiming otherwise for proof of what they say. I'm a skeptic by nature. I'm willing to believe but if you are going to be making bold claims you should be prepared to back it up with bold evidence. Not a false analogy with a teapot.

Also, due to extremely low temperatures at contrail altitude, we are talking about ice crystals, not water vapor anyway. Ice crystals aren't going to evaporate quickly.

I read a lot of these chemtrail articles and there have been a few where they claim to have done various sampling and found increased levels of barium and aluminum. There is one poster here who posts some pretty good ones. I read another that claimed to have photos of the chemtrail planes but they were all just regular firefighting and crop dusting planes, one had a logo of the company and I looked it up and they were an aerial spraying company and they had helped with various firefighting and insect killing missions and operated several aircraft with scary looking tanks inside.

@starangel has the best chemtrail posts because they don't get all defensive when you ask questions and such and they have some pretty cool links to various patents and government documents that are pretty fascinating.

I posted a link somewhere on here to a debunking (or at least a claim of such) of the video that was posted. Apparently the testing done in that particular case were not aerial samples but samples from the bottom of a pond and the aluminum levels were consistent with what is found naturally occurring in your average dirt. I would be curious to see some studies that included samples taken directly from the trails. I don't think I have seen any but that doesn't mean they don't exist. As with all studies, the devil is in the details.

I just get frustrated when I see people post things comparing a tea kettle to a con trail (for example). It's arguments like those that give conspiracy theorists a bad name. Some people take to these theories as if it were a religion and based on what is often rather flimsy evidence. I'm willing to believe these trails are something nefarious but it's going to take more than a tea kettle comparison and a study of pond muck to convince me. Sure, I'm extremely skeptical of everything government says (though I don't recall them making much in the way of pronouncements about contrails) but I'm also skeptical about every conspiracy theory I hear unless there is something to substantiate them beyond conjecture, bad analogies and questionable correlations.

the term "conspiracy theorists" was invented to give conspiracy theorists a bad name ;)

I find the evidence for Donald Trump's time machine more compelling than the contrail conspiracy at this point but I am open minded. That poster does post some very cool patents to some pretty wild technology that does exist.

A white haze eliminates our blue skies most days here and there can be no question where the haze originates. I struggle to understand how water vapor from planes can cut out at least 10% of the natural light?

Independent groups have been taking ground & rain samples for years and I believe the first air samples were taken in 2016... all of which point to increased levels of aluminum & barium, amongst other things.

Geoengineering is real. I don't think there is any debate about that any more.