Chemnitz Propaganda! The Refugee Lie And The Migration

in #chemnitz7 years ago (edited)

In Germany, Chemnitz has now become a topic, defamed as a "right-wing" accumulation, even though it is the middle-class center of the population, which now finally come up with a logical response related to the slaughter and the tragedies in this country which finally came up! Anger and outrage are not expressed through "chivvy", as the supposedly politically correct press often falsely propagated. On the contrary, this was expressed by a thoroughly conversational mass in the form of a peaceful demonstration. 

One thing is different now because people do not let the lies of the press continue! This fact makes people dangerous to the establishment, because a society that finally stands up and can not be controlled by the synchronized press, must be combated by all means! Such a movement is infiltrated with constitutional protectors who are defamed by their penalty-free Nazi slogans to stifle the truth with the Nazi-mace to nip things in the bud.

In order to provide violence, to discredit the demonstrators, the government simply kicks in ideologically blinded left-wing activists to provoke an escalation, which is then awarded the defamatory side in the press. This is how the "divide and rule" game goes, with governments already being masters in this field. But what was different in Chemnitz? The demonstration was spontaneous and unannounced, so it took time to deploy the opposition so that the mass of the middle class could not be portrayed as baiter, Nazis and "right-winger", so the system-faithful press invented the tales of "refugee hunts", which according to the prosecutor Chemnitz never took place.  The truth can no longer be found in the news and so-called quality media, they report only what fits the political agenda of the ruling class! 

"After all material available to us there was no hunt in Chemnitz"
(Attorney General Saxony)

What is it really about? Why are people walking on the street? Are these racist reasons or ideas of the right-wing populists that put people in mourning and anger? These are not those reasons, but the loss of what has been a normality for us for decades, a sense of security and the absence of the most brutal violence in everyday life, which puts most people in fear, anger, and grief. Emotions that have become so strong to finally draw the red line!

These people are not right-wing populists, but those who can distinguish between RIGHT and UNJUST, because the quality of the violence has reached a particularly worrying dimension. Murders have always existed in Germany as well, but what is new is the brutality in which people with more than 20 stab wounds are literally "slaughtered" and "executed". Something that we were able to observe a few times a year in relationship crime, but now it takes place almost every day somewhere in Germany. Migrants who literally conquer public space and displace the peace-loving native population through fear and terror!

Why then respond to such brutality with such great anger and grief? It is the conscience that lives in us, that we have received from God and that makes us his children! The sophisticated Christian society is raided by savages. The descendants of God who live according to His law are raped and looted by the ungrateful. God's Law is to LOVE each other, for each other!

How do the churches react? What do they tell the people? 

"Germany and Europe have to adjust to a whole new era. Our prosperity and the way of living in peace will change. As the refugees have to change their way of life, we too will have to do it. "

Dr. Franz-Josef Overbeck
Bishop of Essen

What is the truth and what does God expect from us? I can anticipate that we will not find the real answer in the "normal" churches! For it is those churches that reject Christ who returned in 2011. Those churches that take the quotes out of context for the good of the Political Agenda!

And what does Christ say about migration? It may surprise you that the Lord is not politically correct and sees things as they are.  For those who are attacked have the God-given right to defend themselves, to protect those whom they love, and to rebel when the darkness brings suffering, grief, and anger over the land!  On the contrary, he sees every single one in their duty! Because RIGHT is not what the government drums into us, RIGHT is the LOVE FOR ONE ANOTHER! Anyone who breaks this peace and love must be discarded, just as Christ Himself will very soon separate these individuals on the day of the Last Judgment when every soul is judged by their deeds!

With the authority of Christ, as Archbishop of Germany, I call the upstanding citizens of this country, who are doing the right thing and revolting, against the lies of this government and its controlled media for good! It is long overdue to act to put an end to the horror of the Satanist elite.

We have very few refugees, because most of them are economic migrants, especially from Africa. Do you think the Lord would not have noticed that the real refugees, many of whom are Christians, are all deported?

Pay attention to every life and every human being and do not judge them by their origin but by their deeds. Stop the invasion, because you can help on the ground and do not have to give up the achievements of the civilized world as it is taught to us by the henchmen of Satan. Whoever kills in the name of God is not of God and never knew Him! If you are a Muslim and strongly opposed to it, then read Sura 6 verse 154: 

 Then We gave Moses the Scripture, making complete [Our favor] upon the one who did good and as a detailed explanation of all things and as guidance and mercy that perhaps in [the matter of] the meeting with their Lord they would believe.

The Jews are the brothers and sisters of the Muslims, and since Christianity arose out of Judaism, so are the Christians as well. Thus, every Muslim who kills a Christian is a sinner who violates Allah's commandments. Many will contradict this point as well, but the truth is that God and Allah are the same God!

Written by:

Jean Viete
Archbishop of Germany
Ecumenical Order of Christ


The world needs peace.

God make peace all over the world.

For now, we are forced to show our true hearts! On that and our deeds we will be judged, so GOD is not making peace right now, but HE will through His Son sort those out, who are not able to LOVE ONE ANOTHER, to tolerate others to simply co-exist!

Soon this will be a thing of the past and peace will reign

What a great day it will be when peace is in effect!

Amen! But for now, we all are forced to show our true hearts!!!

Important stuff here! I write a lot about these issues as well.

Thank you for your comment! Now you are aware what the returned Christ is thinking about, let it the people know brother and encourage them as they are hardly attacked by doing the right thing!