"We have all the indispensable evidence that this is another organized event," Lavrov said at a press conference on Friday. Detective forces of any country in front of anti-Russia campaign are involved in the planned attack. "Lavrov said the country's name
According to the World Health Organization (WHO) statement by Syrian physicians, more than 40 people have been killed in Syria's Da'maya on April 7th. It is believed that there were high explosion of toxic chemicals after seeing signs of the victims.
The United States and its allies believe that the Syrian government is responsible for the attack. But Russia has long said that the rebels carried out the attack to provoke more Western interference in Syria.
The United States and France say there is enough evidence to use chlorine and nerve agents in Daouma. French President Emanuel Macroon said on Thursday that he had evidence that the chemical attack was carried out by the Syrian government. Although he did not say anything more about this, he said.
In view of these evidence, Western countries, including the United Kingdom and the United Kingdom, are contemplating military strikes in Syria.
Meanwhile, Syrian allies warned Russia that in such a military intervention in Syria there will be a risk of starting a new war
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