Cheetah is an informative robot that might comment on your post. If she does, she will claim that she found similar content somewhere else on the web. This is because you likely copy and pasted some form of content -- whether it be your own or not. This is not an acusation of wrongdoing, but merely an informative comment for the reader.
For more information on Cheetah:
For more information on content sharing:
- Adding Value to Steemit through Sharing.
- When is sharing another contributor's content appropriate?
- Why Cite Sources?
- Plagiarism Guide.
Report for Cheetah comments on 2017.07.05:
Log continued in comment below.
For me the problem here is that yesterday 2017/07/06 when I wrote my post about 'the art of stonebalancing' I used a quote from the guy his original website (yes it was mentioned as a quote with "quote" and initials at the end, however this bot messaged me that he found similair content online, it was from an article on a site i didn't even know.. but that person also quoted that guy.. I'm very upset about this since when I'm not allowed to post a quote? I know it's still beta and this is a bot but it kinda ruins my reputation on this platform, it is a misplaced comment and I don't like it. I put my effort in writing an article and I get pointed at by the finger for plagiarism because of a quote? .. This is the article, and it frustrates me that the bot only says that he found similair content but not what? If you look on the site that cheetah re-directs me to you can clearly see its only about the quote, I dare you to find one sentence I copy/pasted on my entire blog... I put my effort to add watermarks on pictures I write it in html code so you would get re-directed to the source, I write everything myself and i get punished this way for my effort? Pls if someone reads this tell me what to do about this.. Because I don't know..
Try using the quote function.
>“There is nothing easy about it. It can frustrate me to my limits, and then I learn. Or it can reveal magic beyond words, and I learn. Sometimes the rock wins, but most of the time I win.” - Michael Grab
No algorithm is going to be perfect. Most users give @cheetah a verbal pat on the head and tell her they were just using quotes from their source. My owner @patrice took care of cheetah's comment on that post.
Thank you for your tip, I appreciate it! I'm still learning everyday and I will use that format next time! the issue got fixed and I personally thanked patrice for it in the chat and on the post. Have a good evening zoeee and again thank you for your reply and the tip you gave me! Good evening zoee
Go home Cheetah, you're drunk!!!
good job bro, am following you