Tennis is for all Ugandans regardless of who they are and where they are from. Just sacrificing some time to teach kids in the neighborhood about the game of tennis during this time of the lock down. I have not been feeling well the past 2 days as I have been having a terrible stomach complication, therefore the energy levels to continue with this charity project have been down but now I am back on my feet.
What is happening?
Charity Tennis Session #7
Kids are getting to learn and are enjoying the tennis sport. Tennis is a very rare game in Uganda. Not everyone knows this game. The few who have knowledge and play the game are either from rich families or have grown up near a tennis club. I personally learnt this sport from my Dad who was a tennis professional, he spent some time and taught me how to play the sport. I have played competitive tennis over the years representing my Country in the different tennis tournaments within and across the borders.
I unfortunately lost my Dad in 2006. He died of AIDs. Before his death he desired me to walk in his footsteps. He also spent some time teaching me how to coach as one of the ways to earn a living from the sport.
It has always been on my heart to start up a charity tennis program where I can raise great tennis players in the country who will make a difference in the communities where they come from.
This initiative is powered by Chary token.
Stay tuned for more updates!