Ahoy Mateys, We Have a Heading...

Chart Your Course Challenge

This a challenge initiated by one of my favorite booty's here on Steemit, Cap'n @dreemsteem (who also gets credit for the image). Speaking of doll, you notice I finally frig'n figured it out ;)
Quote, unquote, "When you know the priorities, it becomes much simpler to stick to a plan and streamline your schedule." Which really does make a lot of sense when you think about it. I was initially tagged by good ol' boy @robertandrew and have been taking my sweet time getting to this post. Or maybe I just haven't quite found the time until now? Some of you already know, but I recently gave myself 'weekends off', but it doesn't really feel like it LOL! So what do we got, first up on this goal oriented challenge set forth is:

In 1 Sentence - What is Your Steemit Goal?

Not sure if she means ultimate goal or one that I want to achieve before moving further, but, in one sentence: I want the attention and resources available from this platform to really be able to change the world I live in. I am already making small contributions like donating on a weekly basis to @tarc and @youarehope. I have gained enough 'power' here to be able to help out with other projects like @freewritehouse and @ladiesofsteemit. But, I see this as a 26k marathon and we're barely a kilometer in.

What Comes First?

The chicken or the egg question, ugh. Of the three categories she has thrown out there (Posting, Commenting and Curating) I would have to say Curation is the top of my list. The main reason being is because it is a way to give back to the community on a broader level. My voting power is just barely above 60% as I'm writing this if that says anything. Second would be commenting - all inclusive of replies. As of this post, I have handed out 6606 comments on the platform according to Steem World. Compare that to my 387 posts (once this is published) and that should tell you where the priorities are. I think commenting is the best way to let someone know you were on their post because someone may vote higher than you and in the vote totals, it only shows the top 20 on someone's post on Steemit.

(Up to) 5 Communities That Assist in my Growth

  1. My family @thealliance - LOVE you all :)
  2. The Steemit Ramble Discord Server - I've gained a good deal of friends and followers thanks to @shadowspub's dedication.
  3. @adsactly - they have been loyal supporters of my efforts and vision for ages now.
  4. #steemsilvergold - I love the shiny shit and these people have grown on me, or maybe they infected me with stackitus...
  5. @spl - The Steemit Poker League was actually the first discord channel I ever joined. Props to @reko for ushering me in and @bethalea for showing me mad love.

Measurable Goals

  • 1 Month - Crack 2500 Followers
  • 3 Months - Be among the 'true' top 50 witnesses
  • 6 Months - Be a natural dolphin (leaning toward Killer Whale)
  • 12 Months - Be among the 'true' top 10 witnesses

My Favorite Dessert?

I nominate:


@liberty-minded made this badass gif
@enginewitty #thealliance witness.png


Everyone got a goal and yours is well mapped out. You are so right about the comment, I can say these part weeks. I have done more on relating to people post than writing mine. And I learn daily. For me, I hope to be dolphin by next year and continue pushing.
I will get to do mine when someone nominates me

Sounds like you've got your priorities right!

Like my mentor @ehiboss made me understand;

steemit is an online platform that should be able to solve your offline problems...

For me I will love to affect mostly the offline part of my environment.

Most of my friends and relations are not very opportune to benefit from online platforms.
Some don't have means of accessing the internet among other challenges.

As regards to the activity priority, commenting as you said is one of the strongest signal you can send to a steemian.

(in as much it isn't a spam comment lolzzz)

Love the spam comments like:
nice post
i follow you follow me
i upvote you, upvote me

Man that is annoying, thanks for putting thought into a comment and I hope you gain the resources needed to help people out where you are!

Lolzzz, that was how someone wrote about how his mom was diagnosed with cancer.

Guess what the reply that followed was??

nice post!!!

Obvi the user deserves some downvoting lol

Thanks so for replying to mi comment

You made a great course to chart.

It's doable and you have the drive and willpower to see it through and still be you!

I'm very proud to know you and be a member of The Alliance and can not wait to see you achieve all you ever want in life.

Now print this out and tape it to your wall. LOLL

Thanks sis! I will surely keep it close to head and heart ;)

nice mate, I'll do this post tomorrow :)

You have been defended with a 52.04% upvote!
I was summoned by @enginewitty.

You have great goals - I hope you achieve them - Good luck :)

“Focused, hard work is the real key to success.
Keep your eyes on the goal, and just keep taking
the next step towards completing it.
If you aren’t sure which way to do something,
do it both ways and see which works better.”
— John Carmack

You're more than halfway there @enginewitty and I know
you'll accomplish whatever you set your mind on achieving!
Thank you for all the support and encouragement you give myself and members of #thealliance 💯
👏Round of applause in appreciation!👏
I thought the quote up top was fitting and
I especially like the second sentence!

gg wp and gl with the goals!^^

Thanks buddy. And I love the one sentence encapsulation of what Steemit means to you. Good stuff :)

We so appreciate your support!!!

A wonderfully thought out list of goals. You caused me to think about my own.

Great goals!!! And a woman of your caliber will surely accomplish them, for sure. Oh, my... you nominated muah?!!! I better start working on it. Let me think... Thanks for this wonderful post. I get to know you better each time!

I fully support all your goals and will do my best to help you get there.....