TruthNet Bomb!! The truth about Charlottesville Protest/Riots and Statue Destroying

in #charlottesville7 years ago

Charlottesville Protest/Riots:


  1. First, and most important, Antifa & Black Lives matters are a paid for/backed movements by George Soros. Or, more apply put, more of Soro's public opinion manipulation to weaken the country by keeping people divided.

  2. Second, Antifa contracted Crisis Actors to be present.

  3. Third, James Alex Fields Jr., who was charged in the crash that killed one person and injured 19 is a:

    • supporter of Hillary Clinton
    • and a member of Antifa in receipt of funding by George Soros.

4, Fourth, Police were ordered to stand down just before the incident, as confirmed by the ACLU.

Statue Destroying:

  1. In response to the Charlottesville incident, General Robert E. Lee statue has become a target for many protesters across America.
  2. However, unlike Ulysses S. Grant, Gen. Lee did not own any slaves prior to, during, or after the Civil War.
  3. However, through marriage General Lee inherited slaves, but freed all of them by 1862. Yet, unread people across America are destroying his statue suggesting he's the Icon/reason for racism in America.
  4. After the Civil War Grant continued to own slaves.

"U.S. Grant had several slaves who were only freed after the 13th amendment in December of 1865. When asked why he didn’t free his slaves earlier, Grant stated that “Good help is so hard to come by these days.”