Trumps Speech on Charlottesville judged on his Skin?

in #charlottesville8 years ago (edited)

Trumps Speech on Charlottesville would have been taken differently if he was black. The recent results of how the liberals are reacting to President Trump's recent response to the Charlottesville attack shows how much irrational hatred america has for White Men.

The attack in Charlottesville was a result of two opposing groups (Nazism & White Nationalists) James Alex Fields Jr., 20, drove a car into Nazi activists in Charlottesville on Saturday. He has been Identified as a White Nationalist. Historically the two groups are exclusive, being a member of one excludes you from joining the other.

“Two days after a woman was killed in Charlottesville amid clashes between white nationalists and counter protesters, President Trump on Aug. 14 condemned racist groups such as the KKK, saying racism “has no place in America.”

The response from the president condemning all hate groups was greeted with anger amongst liberals. Many were upset that it had taken two days for President Trump to respond to the incident. Liberals were outraged that the President did not directly condemn Nazism. However none were willing to point out the driver was not a Nazi and in contrast was attacking Nazism.

From the photos of the attack it is assumed the car used in the attack was a 2017 Ford Mustang Shelby GT350. A car ranging in price of ~$60k. While the car received extensive damage to the front bumper from the attack, the driver was able to evade the cops for 2 hours. At the time of the attackers capture, James Alex Fields Jr. was processed at the local authorities. Soon after his capture the Justice Department launched a civil rights investigation into the incident, Sessions has vowed that federal authorities will seek “the most serious charges that can be brought.”.

While the court system is making an example of this criminal and James Alex Fields will spend the rest of his life in jail. The liberal party is still not happy. An Interview of upset liberals responded:

“If he goes to jail he will just turn into a bigger Nazi”. Putting aside for a moment that the attacker was a white nationalist attacking Nazis. Should some how he changed sides in jail and became a “mega Nazi” it would do no harm to the free people as he will undoubtedly be in jail for the rest of his natural life.

“President Trump took two days to respond to the attack”. Given that none of us are the President and given the fact that we don’t know how long it took to process the investigation, it would have been wrong for the President to make assumptions prior to the investigation. Yet let’s for a moment assume Trump was black. No liberal would be upset with his speech or how long it took to construct said speech.

“President Trump refused to condemn the Nazi group”. This is one of those moments where if you look at the facts all you can do is facepalm. I would like to remind the reader the attacker was a White Nationalists attacking a Nazi group. Because liberals don’t mind attacking the victim I Guess? So had the President condemned the Nazi group directly without taking a stance on the White Nationalists group, the outcome would have been devastating (especially given the fact that the attacker was killing Nazis).

To finish up the liberal party is attempting to find any flaw with the active President in the attempt to impeach him for actions that have been completely fabricated by the liberal movement.


They say he is a Nazi:

If you try and process a faked event as though it were real, you are liable to make errors. Driver was an actor. Crowd were actors. Injured are Crisis Actors. It's a faked media event. Without faked media events the 24 hour a day news cycle would soon grind down to nothing. There simply aren't enough crimes to support all those news channels.

News happens, but it doesn't happen often enough to keep all those expensive tele-journalists in sport coupes. News also doesn't happen on a efficient production schedule, nor does it dovetail with elections and momentous policy decisions. In short, real news is inconvenient to produce and is often off topic. Real victims don't say the right things. Real deaths are traumatic and deeply affect everyone involved.

Fake news can be created as needed, can be scripted to punch a point, can be part of a larger campaign of faked news, and the crisis actors will say whatever you pay them to say. Clearly real plots happen. Men and equipment need to be relocated from point A to point B, troublesome characters need to be whacked, and regimes need to be destabilized. However, these things are rare enough or covert enough that they in themselves cannot fill up a 24 hour new cycle.

The 24 hour news cycle mandates the continuous generation of fake news. Without a strict production schedule of on-point, dramatic news stories the entire industry will waste away, as it was on the verge of only a couple of decades ago. Nowadays 24-hour-a-day news is a big money maker, and it would not be anything like this if the dozens of networks simply sat around and waited for news to happen. A slow week would shutter their doors permanently.

Fake news is not going to go away. With the proliferation of news outlets brought on by the replacement of TV with the Internet, the 24 hour news cycle is going to have to speed up even more. I suspect there is no limit to the inventiveness and imaginations of the authors of these fake events, and I know there is no limit to the duplicity and fraud of government agencies. However, I do hope that there is a limit to the dishonor and greed that is exhibited by these attention-loving crisis actors.