✴️ WHAT IS STEEM VOTER? So How Do You Get On "Charles Fuchs" Upvote List?

in #charlesfuchs8 years ago (edited)

There are so many Steemians always asking, "Charles, You do lots of votes on a daily bases... how do you do it and what makes you upvote people?" 🤷🏼‍♂️

Here is the deal, we all live busy lives and being on Steemit for 24 hours a day is almost impossible for the average person to do. ⏰

It's no surprise that I've been using a bot called Steem Voter, it's a free tool that people can use to upvote their favorite authors when not online. 

You can get it free at Steemvoter.com 🎯

Many people think bots are bad but every single Social Media platforms has them so that authors can support their most active and engaged followers, however so many of them are using it the wrong way. For me, it's like hiring a personal assistant when I'm not online. 😀

So you want to get my list? There are some rules that I go by before putting anyone on it and if you can get on it... you will be one happy steemian.

Remember each one of my votes range from .06- $5 per vote. 😳

So how do you get on my "V.I.P Upvote List"? There are many important factors that I go by... You have to get my attention by being a very engaged person on Steemit... and begging for votes is not one of them (more likely you will get muted by me 🤣)

I do add people to my Voter each week when they demonstrate that they are very active and engaged on the platform. 

Each week I do an assessment with my account to see if the authors is still providing value, good content, having fun, and making Steemit a great place to be on.

If an author stops doing that, he or she will be taken off my list and it will take that person 10X the effort to ever get back on my list. 📝

For me, that is the best way one to utilize Steem Voter. So stop asking for upvotes and start being a very active steemian.

It will take some time for me to see if you're just here for Upvotes but once you prove yourself, you'll attract people like me to support you for life... and that is something valuable. 

With that being said, do you have what it takes to be on my V.I.P list? If so, prove it to me by being the best Steemian ever. 😬

Have an awesome Tuesday! 💞

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I love Steemvoter but I had to turn it off because it was draining my voting power. Some people will abuse it by posting more often.

You are so right! I have to check probably once a week and see who are abusing it. I tend to turn it off once a week and do my evaluations lol

That's what the complainers don't seem to get about bot voting. There's a human behind every bot, and some of them actually check and update their bots on a regular basis.

The comment bots though, they need to go.

i try to make three posts per day. is that okay?
in your opinion, how many post per day can be termed as over posting?

Have you noticed your list approaching 50 yet?! My power is getting smacked down currently but i couldn't live without steemvoter!

Yes - check always your left over voting power daily. I see so many big accounts doing votes with 0% voting power left. 😭

Thank you for saying that. I have been wondering why some big guys were voting at .05. It's so disappointing! I've seen it on a lot of people's posts. I'm thinking I have a long time to be a minnow at that rate :)

just do some nice posts and interact with the people. It will be faster and more fun and you grow!

It's not about me. It's about why someone big would still be voting once their power drained way down. I don't know the economics, but all the advice I have gotten here says to keep your power up. But then you look at the big guys and they don't do that in some cases.

Ha, @fitinfun, you are here! You were on Tsu, right?

Yes, it's me - just got here. How are you, Marianne?

Yay. I am well! How about you? Somebody told me about this platform a while ago and one evening, I was babysitting and thought I'll check it out. Right from the beginning, it reminded me of Tsu. Then I saw familiar names :) Hope this platform will stick around :)

Me too! Look to #tsufamily posts and you will find a lot of us :)

Where do you check your left over voting power? Typically I look at steemdb.com

try https://www.steemnow.com as this is a cool tool to see how your posts are going.

Thats a cool tool! the old whitepapers had a graph on your diminishing power when it comes to upvoting, and at one point it seemed like upvoting more than 10 times a day would diminish the worth of your upvote. The new steemit whitepage just came out and im going through it now to see what changed.

Link here if you are interested: https://steem.io/SteemWhitePaper.pdf

Thank you for posting this! So much to learn!

Any idea if you can limit how much voting it does? :(

in steemvoter you can select how much you vote on which Steemian

It's interesting that people first begged for friends and likes in the past....now people's beginning gives them a monetary incentive, rather than something to fulfill their ego. Maybe it's still both :) People need to just USE Steemit. At this point of using Steemit, I cannot even justify spending a second to type into a Facebook or Twitter status ... unless I am sharing something from Steemit :D

Thank you for the note on Steemvoter :)

Nice, I wasn't aware of this. I'm going to check it out.

Also, the link is https://steemvoter.com.

Charles, you may want to edit the address you used. There is a typo in it.

it took me 5 sec to figure out this typo. but editing into right version sure is worth doing.

Thanks for the update, I blame my mac for the typo hahaha... just fixed it :)

HA! Can't trust Steve Jobs. Only Bill Gates is trustworthy. amirite?!?!

🎯 Steemvoter is way cool.... I do have to turn it off at times to charge back up :)

Same here, I think sundays or mondays are good days to recharge :)

hahhaa.. yes ..

Not trying to get on your upvote list but just giving you a shoutout because you may like my recent article; advice to people to Stop Saying "I Think" before giving their opinion.

You inspired me to write motivational style posts since that's what you do a lot and I thank you.

Here we are:


You are right, I tend to do that sometimes. Thanks for stopping by @mikeparker :)

And not to start their blog posts with "So I was talking to my mom and I was not sure if I should post this but...."

My seo brain dies....

Something on the post entry box should not allow "So" to be the first word of any post - just like you cannot post without a tag :)

Hi @stackin the way you describe all the stuff around Steemit is so full with motivation.

You are on my Steemvoter VIP list since a long time and I hope you see all the daily @detlev activities and posts.

love ❤️ to have you soon with my Steemit #BeerSaturday challenge where I motivate people to do quality content around beer and with their cool story.

I am a bot-hater. They hurt me so offten. And I dont want let them steal the fun from me. The fun I get doing all things manually on steemit.

So your positive notes on steemvoter gave me some confidence in it. Perhaps this can be a usefull tool for my nearest future. Thanks.
& resteemed But... a two week vacation period is comin to me , during which i will have very little (if any) time to be on steemit. I'm going to my doughters wedding (she is also here, BTW. check @iveta)

What's up @onealfa! Just followed @iveta!

Your posts are awesome and I just added ya to it, I totally agree with you on manual upvotes. I do about 50/50 :)

I am learning everyday on this platform and hope to be on your list and many other indivuals that one day will value my efforts ,content , and engagement . I know that you have to work hard to make it above the sky, because there's limits beyond the skies

I feel exactly the same. As a non-tech type person I can survive in the Australian outback with no water and food for days but still don't understand how crypto currencies appear out of nothing lol. I'd love to follow you cos I appreciate reading good posts and seeing how different other people live. Steemit has broadened my world view so much more than the typical self-centred Facebook posts.

Appreciate ya boss!

I'm going to take a look at your blog again @journeyoflife ... You've also been supportive on steemit, I actually remember one time I gave you a $5 comment vote haha ... I think I have to add you to my list now :)

Wow you remember , that's a true honor . Thank you so much !!

Does the steemvoter have a max upvote limit for a set time period?

Lets say upvote person X with a 5% upvote for a maximum of 2 times in 24 hour period?

Also; does the steemvoter cost you anything to use? And can it be set to vote 15 / 30min after the post was made?


Yeah, u can set up at anytime to vote for them. Its free but they use one of your votes a day to curate one of there posts but thats fine. or u can pay $3 sbd and they dont use one of your votes and can add up to 500 people.

I for one am so glad that I am not on your list. I know all your votes are because you just cannot get enough of my writing ;) Such a faithful stalker, follower/reader. <3 You da best!

You are so funny @Kubbyelizabeth ... Guess what, you've been really active and supportive, you are on my list now! :)

I just hope you start saving for when Choogirl and I go on that beach vacation on your dine ;) Btw, I am attempting to raise funds for a writing contest Click Here. Let me know if you can spare 10 SBD towards the grand prize!

WOW, Spare 10 SBD! Let me see what I can do, maybe I can get it from @choogirl haha

Hahah, always side hustling my girl!!!

You guys, I need that $10 to put towards my new bikini. 👙

Me too, I need a new one for our trip and my daily life here in Florida!


As I wrote some days ago, I will see this as challenge and started a series of drawing, which will also include YOU - I know I am still a beginner and have to learn a lot (in general and in drawing/painting), but I try my best and follow the daily steps.

I started the quest with the very first drawing of Daniel Larimer aka @dan aka @dantheman


and continued with one of my first watercolour paintings of @stellabelle - Well, I am not very happy with it, but I will improve - I learned something during the process....



I don't know maybe you don't like my art or art in general, but I hope you will see my effort and that I can prove to be on your list. I wont give up!

Blessings from Austria to Las Vegas, Martin

...and upcoming process of a oil paiting experiment... the fertility of the allseeing eye...

You have mad skills, I think it looks awesome!

Thanks man, I really appreciate it!

I think that i am one of the people that meet your condition and i will not let you down.
thanks for this post:-)

I will be checking out your posts :)

As much as I push back on this I very well might need to start diving into it and at least setting up a few people to auto vote their content. I do seem to miss it. I'm curious does the bot give you a record of what was upvoted and when? Because honestly many of those articles I will want to browse and see if they are worth a good read they most likely are but they fall off my feed before I get to them. Thanks!

Yeah, just put a few people to start (me) haha jk ... yes, it will record what u voted on and you can click the link and it will redirect you to the article :)

I think steemvoter is a good too to keep the curation rewards going. I've been using up my power so I had to put it in pause.

Same here, once a week... i have to turn it off to recharge my batteries haha

Since you've joined a few months ago you've done nothing but add value to the community... good for you. Resteeming to spread the word.

You the best @summerskin, just doing my best 💖

I haven't used steem voter yet. I should as I usually upvote my regular followers. I was scared posting my key because I wasn't sure which one. In any case, hope I make it in the list.

It's really just using your posting key... test it out. Start with just several authors you like and your supporters... if it doesn't work for ya, you can delete them instantly 😀

i'm going to try tonight. Hope it sends a reset link cuz I was thinking of it 2 months ago and wasn't sure about which key. That is until you reminded me. /thx great idea for a contest.

Yeah, I never had any problems at all, glad to help 😀

I have not yet got into any of the bots that You can use on steemit and I don't know if I will ever do that. But it is always good go know about them and how they work. I might take a look at this one. 😉

Yeah, don't like bots much either but they are useful. :)

But in my case if I am not voting 100% my upvote worth ZERO LOL so to upvote with a lower % I don't know if it is worth it.

Steemvoter is actually a great tool particularly for people who can't be here 24/7.

You get to vote your favourite authors while maximising power usage, curation rewards too. The service has been great since I subscribed.

Eyyyy I literally just added you to my steemvoter today! 😄💯🎉💻

I got you :)

Thanks brotha! 🎉👀💻 I see you on my SteemNow lol 😄

It's real cool that you're supporting a lot of quality creators this way. Let's face it--- it's really hard to do it manually unless you're only supporting a handful of people.

I'm glad you have such an eagle eye on it and make sure that the Steemians you support are actually making a positive impact on the community. Thanks for being a strong voice promoting people to actually be productive and valuable to the community instead of just begging for upvotes, lol. Have a good one!

So you hired the voting machine. I was wondering how you do it.

Not Exactly, anyone can use it. The bot helps voting when your not online.

I started noticing I was on a couple bot lists when a few of my followers always vote for me 30 minutes and 35 minutes after every post. What a cool way to support people. When I get more steem I'm definitely checking it out.

Awesome tool to use, just don't add to many people or even random people, they will abuse your kindness lol

I will stay active and hope to get on it at some point ... thank you for explaining

take your time :)

I wasn't aware of Steemvoter but will check it out. Thank you for this helpful information.

It a good simple little to use when busy :)

Its great for adding people that you know consistently produce quality work.. There are dozens of accounts around here that put out quality post after quality post.. Those are the people who should be rewarded and are growing this platform - in my opinion of course! Glad you liked the instructions.. like everything in Steemit its simple but you have to read a few posts to "get it"!

You're right good content should be rewarded. For independent journalists like myself.. we care so much about spreading information and never ask for anything in return but when people appreciate our work it is a wonderful compliment.

Totally agree, One good example is @jerrybanfield ... All his posts are epic! :)

Wawww... that is very cool if can be in your VIP list.. i really appreciated for what you do to support each other in steemit. And you are one of my favorite steemians which always get my attention when i'm online.. thanks for share nice content as always

Thank you @rayfa, just keep on being active and you'll get there :)

Wow that's cool and very interesting. I didn't know this even worked like this. Well I try to be active here but Real life sometimes takes over. lol. You know me from the start here Charles and I will always try to be there for ya bud. Best to you. You are the man! :)

Nice - I have an account, but echoing some here, am hesitant not to drain my voting power. I'll give a shot for a few days anyhow. Cheers for reminding me of it.

Yeah, just start with a few people .... like myself haha jk :)

Well, maybe I'll do just that ;) nk

This is very wonderful to hear sir. But tge way i see it you have indirectly told me to do more for the community which by my little way have started with my four smile keepers on steemcare project. I love this challenge, even if we are not opportune to be on that list be rest assured that you have motivated me today. Well done sir an grateful for this. RESTEEMED!!

I will do my best to continue to my best to engage via ridiculous gifs/memes - appreciate your perspective and desire to build peeps up


Memes are the best 😬

As a simple Aussie dude who grew up with Nintendo 64 as my only technology I find learning more about Steemit, blockchain and even blogging new and exciting. Obviously I really don't know much about what's going on, it's hard to juggle work, kids and other things but I'm slowly learning. I post about what I like so I guess I just keep going with that :)

I really like to read about others lives and it has really opened me up to how different and interesting people all over the world are since I've only ever seen the same old crap (selfies... cat photos... etc.) on Facebook. Hopefully I can also get some people interested in my blog as I'm still not really sure what people find interesting. I care little about money and fame but if anyone could give any advice on how to grow and enjoy Steemit more I would be very open to learning :)

I would just take your time when first starting out. I totally know where you are coming from... I grew up on Atari haha

Love the post @stackin! Anything to get people interacting again. I feel like there is a pre and post HF19 crowd on Steemit, those that know how to behave and those that have no clue.

I like the way you challenge people to be better steemians and guess what, if you take the challenge, you may be rewarded!

Thanks @wakeupsheeps! Some people need that extra kick in the butt to get started lol

Bots Bots Bots Bots, I love those Bots 🎶

Interesting little blurb here about bots. When utilized proper they can definitely have a positive effect. I've yet to use one myself. Although I have definitely benefited from them.

  • One of the primary reason I probably do not yet use a bot (and this is probably true for a lot of users) is because I'm not a "big enough" account to delegate my vote.. 5% here and there to multiple users isn't going to be too helpful to anyone I really want to support lol.

  • However, a solid 20% or 50% or I often still provided 100% upvotes each day. I feel like that actually provides some sustenance to those who producing great bodies of work that I want to support.

  • Also, I'm on here quite a lot these days and I like to base my vote mostly on a "I see it, I read it, I like it basis." while I still have this luxury.

No doubt there will come a time when I'll have to adopt the bot ;)

I seen that song you did with @dan-atstarlite, it was bad ass lol ... I followed your friend for a while but guess what, now I have to follow you cause of that epic bot song haha

Haha, I'm glad you enjoyed what you found!

  • We're pretty silly with it...I think we touch on the right topics tho ~

  • I believe we will be releasing another one for Openmic today on dan's blog. and of course we'll have more in the future so stay tuned.

  • Fair warning!
    My blog will be littered with sandwiches and music videos for the next little bit. I run Steemit Sandwich Competition and just started back at my music day job.

Nice to find you ~

G'day. Good approach!
I'm still a small fish so I like to do things manually and read interesting posts before upvoting.
One day when I get bigger, I might check out steemvoter - thanks for explaining.

You will get there @plumey, thanks for commenting!

hey bro. I'm updating my steemvoter list. I do provide fun stuff occasionally in my post. not sure? check my latest post.


would be awesome if we can exchange vote. my vote not that worthy though. but if you wanna help a minnow. that'll be awesome.

Checked out yur post... just keep on posting great content. How did you find me, your nota follower lol

I'm not a follower really I just notice that. Followed you now, your post was resteemed by someone in my list. I remember your milestone post with that shocking odd face and a paper with Steemit achievement.

steem on bro~

Thanks! 💖

Good reminder, I need to try this out for a few weeks at least :) I can imagine it saves a lot of time while keeping the minnows fed :D

It's like an automatic feeder haha ... but once a week, you have to check out who you added as a few abused it by posting like 20 times in one day of trash haha

be careful on the people that abuse of steem voter, check it atleast once a week and if someone abuse it, tell us and we will downvote him eheh

Yup, i had to delete so many people for posting to many garbage... they just lost a lifetime voting privilege from me lol

Very interesting. Just learned something new, thank you for letting us know about this. Is there an average number of posts you normally look for a week?

My articles are usually investigations or an analysis and can take anywhere from about a day or two to a month to put together.

No average but people probably need to be careful depending on ones steem power. If you have more SP, you can do more votes :)

Sounds good.. if you are interested in reading about foreign politics, especially regarding the Near and Middle East you might like my articles. You're a great asset to Steemit. Thanks for all that you do!

I liked your thoughts and you are doing good job. Thats the right wayI am also using steemvoter, advised by @thecryptodrive and know a few people who share new travelling destinations everyday.

That's awesome, I checked out your blog... great travel pics!

Thanks @stackin i am going to a wonderful place this weekend.. will be sharing nice pics from there.

@stackin The titles of your topics sound really good, inspiring and helpful for newbies:))

Upvoted and resteemed!

@steemit.global motive is encouraged to steemers from {Resteemed and Upvote}.

This is a great tool, I'll have to start using it. I also want to support my favorite authors here on Steemit but you're right that it takes a long time and sometimes I miss good content.

Truth, then after a few days... I go back and read there articles :)

I use steemvoter to ensure I always give. 100% upvote to any @steemcleaners post. That way they never get missed. Would encourage others to do the same!

Like others have commented, I used to have a number of other people there too, but found that my voting power was getting drained so that there wasn't enough left for when I wanted to add comments and real-time upvotes

Agree it's a great tool, and will be using it more as my SP increases



Yeah, people who uses will have to watch their power daily. Some may abuse it and I delete them right away as they will post 20 times in one day of nonsense lol. :)

I use steemvoter but I for some reason it's not working (maybe not enough power) and with some people I just like to read what they wrote, and yes....you are one of the lucky ones 😜

I only recommend it if people have at least 500 steem power and all my comments are real though haha

Dude, I know you are real 😜

I was just kidding lol

😆 😆

Full 100% and resteemed :-)
Everything hand voted here ;-)

My comments are by hand haha :)

You are the best commentor ever :-) That is so much, hard work.
Great respect for that.

Nice one @stackin!!!good information!!!

surely gonna use it and yes there are good bots also thanks.

Thanks for commenting :)

Cool)) I did not know that there is such a bot)) Thanks)) I follow you)))

Wow @sokoloffa, I've been loving youf photo's for a while... and now you just followed me haha jk

Love your photos! :)

Oh, thank you very much)))) Let's be friends))))

Sounds great!. Steemit is just like the real world. I have whales and dolphins swimming along the coast across from my house. I go out to watch them in awe and yet never has one noticed me standing alone on the coast and given a wee wave with its flipper :-) Lesson - The hard part is getting noticed :-)

Great Analogy haha ... but I think if you keep waving the flipper everyday, they will notice you :)

You say I should keep waving "my " flipper? Aha! Good idea! (@mostly.nature walks off, logs on to Ebay, and orders a whale suit) That will get me noticed for sure 😀

It will 😂🐳

I think that you made a typo with the link as it says 'steemvotor'. I'm pretty sure most people can look past that and navigate to the site anyway @stackin haha

Steemvoter is really useful on voting for those who make quality content consistently and you don't have to worry about your vote being wasted. I think it removes from the interaction someone has with a post but if we are real only a small fraction of people who upvote your work actually take the time to read it. Even if they manually curate

Thanks for finding that @arckrai, I just corrected it lol

I do both, I manually and use steem voter. In the back office, you can check who you voted for and go back to comment if one wishes too. You are right also, must engage with the people :)

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