
They dont have to he is simply giving a nod to the Men and Women that serve in the US. He clearly states that he respects others. There is a huge difference between agreeing with what a country does and just honor men and women that serve.

You said it better than I can 😂

Nobody is forcing them to join the gang and to invade other countries. Killing is still wrong even if you do it to serve your country. It against the principles of non-violence.
Why should I honor a murderer?

That was what I just said you do not have to. However, as we respect your right to believe what you do. You can not deny us the right to honor those that serve. This is freedom.

I’m not denying anything, I’m just not agreeing and questioning it. That is also part of the freedom you are talking about.

I am pretty sure we just said the same thing lol. As you said by your principles you will never see them as something other than murders whereas I have seen them stop murders. Our two views will not correspond and I am cool with that. I was just pointing out that nowhere in his post did he say you had to observe Memorial Day or any day like it in your country.

You are right with your comment.
And I was just pointing out what I feel was wrong with his post.

Glad we are free to do this. Peace!

Peace indeed to you brother! Like you I am very happy to discuss what we think as long as we both respect each other. I am actually very honored to have had this discussion with you. Be safe buddy!

This just got deep! 🤔

If you read the post, I have respect for everyone who served in their own counties regardless what their agenda's are... they are still people and lives were lost.

Like I said, live life.... regardless; war is part of life. All we as people can do is remember the people who died while serving regardless of our political beliefs. Everyone has an opinion about it, in other words... what are you doing to make life better for everyone? That's my point.

I don’t want to respect people who invade other people’s homes and kill people they don’t know for reasons they don’t understand. For what agenda ever.

But yes, peace!