We have sent 125 STEEM to get you to the goal we discussed and in combination with the proceeds of the posts your group is making, it looks like you will make it in time and with enough to cover the costs.
Naturally we wish we could do more, but have only limited funds to work with across so many possible projects and missions in progress already.
Thank you so much for caring enough to take action for your fellow humans.
Thank you also to the generous @YouAreHOPE Donors who make this sort of mission possible.
Yours in Service,
Founder @YouAreHOPE Foundation
Founder @SteemStarNetwork
Member of Team Witness #64 in full partnership with @Beanz & @RhondaK
A million thanks for the selfless donation and the support to make our dream a reality.. We are grateful to @youarehope and @sircork for all the supports... May more blessings come your way
You are quite welcome. Go forth and do good work! <3