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RE: WOULD YOU CONSIDER INVESTING YOUR TIME AND ENERGY into raising kids as investment in your future?

in #charity5 years ago (edited)

Hi Piotr,
I am older as you and I am not raised that children are an investment for your future.

Children you make take care of themselves as soon as possible, you teach them as much as they can so they can survive, have self-esteem and succeed.

Even my grandfather wanted his daughters (only children) to be independent. They both studied and provided in their own income. Women were according to him not the ones who were breeding machines and should serve man.

I do not, and never expected, my children to take care of me. They have to build their own lives and I expect them to let me do the same once they are adults.
This does not mean we do not take care of each other. We do in times of need if money is needed or a car broke etc.

In the Netherlands you have social security and there are food banks, give away shops where you can get everything for free. You do not need to die for hunger or cold unless you are lucky, want everything brand new and are too lazy to work.

The last thing I would worry about was health conditions in a hospital. In the Netherlands it is still normal to give birth at home (in a natural way without injections), breastfeeding is still stimulated and mother nature knows what to do.

There are way more chances of infections, strange batteries in a hospital as at home. If allergies run into the family it is also way better to stay at home.
You are not ill if you get a baby it is something natural.

To deliver a baby you need nothing special just to know that billions of women did it before you.

In this time I would never take children anymore. They deserve a better life and future as the aggression and rapes around us. I did not raise or prepare them for what happens now, the hate, the way they are discriminated. I guess they had the bad luck to have an old mom.

I hope they will never have children (3 out of 5 say they do not want them) and will be able to give themselves a good life wherever that may be.

Congratulations @fucho08 I hope your little one will have a bright future and your wife is doing well.


Hi @wakeupkitty

Congratulations @fucho80 I hope your little one will have a bright future and your wife is doing well.

Thank you for that detailed message, for the support and the beautiful words for my family.

You are welcome I hope you received my gift 💕

Posted using Partiko Android

Dear @wakeupkitty

Big thx for this amazing comment and for your time.

Even my grandfather wanted his daughters (only children) to be independent.

It's clearly western mentality. I myself used to work (selling newspapers on busy roads) since age of 14 (even during winters) and I've learned to be independent as well. So I feel you.

Perhaps I'm seeing children being "an investment" because I've spent to many years living around Chinese people (either chinese-malaysians or chinese-singaporians) and that's how they seem to "work". They raise kids so in the future kids would take care of them (parents usually move to live with their own kids, even if they are married and have families). Level of independence in those communities is very ... low.

In the Netherlands you have social security and there are food banks,

I should take it into consideration. After all Holland does take care of their own people. In majority Asian countries retirement system doesn't work so old people usually work until they die or kids take care of them. Im guessing this is the way in every undeveloped country around the world.
