Basic Income = Take from a small pool of productive people, give to everyone whether they want it or not. ZERO voluntary about that.
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Basic Income = Take from a small pool of productive people, give to everyone whether they want it or not. ZERO voluntary about that.
Tax System - Take disproportionately from the poor and give to the rich. Plutocracy - Rule by the rich. Not very voluntary either.
All those issues point toward the government abusing power. The obvious solution is much much less government power.
BTW the tax system doesn't take from the poor to give to the rich. It takes from the poor and rich to give to the government to give it more power. Must stop feeding the beast.
Sure, but the poor pay a greater share of their earnings through sales tax, real estate tax and employment tax. The rich don't pay as much employment tax because most of their earnings are through capital gains which are taxed at a lower rate. They also don't pay as much sales tax because there is only so much a person can consume. Business income can often be funneled through off shore accounts to avoid higher domestic tax rates. Hired accountants for the rich can often find other tax discounts.
Yes, there is an abuse of power but imho it stems more from a system that awards eight people the equivalent wealth of the lower half of humanity. Power and corruption will always have the upper hand when there are poor and desperate people willing to work for little to nothing.
I'm all for reducing government power. A fully functioning autonomous, informed populace should require little to no governing.
Then we have common ground. Dump the taxes, dump the government, let people be free and associate voluntarily!
Right on! And circulate the money through Steemit, it's become of a form of basic income, lol. :)
If YOU want to spread YOUR wealth around voluntarily to a set of people, I am fully in support!
Thank you, I enjoy voting for people in Steemit. It is kind of a good way of spreading your wealth around voluntarily if you ask me. At some point when and if I become too big of a cryptocoin piggy I may need to look for some other ways of spreading the wealth. 2GiveCoin could be an option - it is off to a nice start anyway. (That is unless there is a basic income - oh wait we already talked about that, lol)
BTW nothing at all wrong with being rich - it is the system if anything that is causing many issues to happen - I hope my opinions don't sound too one sided.
It can be a difficult problem to spread your wealth to a set of people without them questioning your motivation or getting mad at you for not giving when they need it or giving someone else more. :D