Really great article, excellent results, glad to see some happy faces here.
Great photos, all my best to you.
Really great article, excellent results, glad to see some happy faces here.
Great photos, all my best to you.
Thank you
Yes i also upvoted and resteemed and i see you have gotten a lot of upvotes from @lukestokes @bleepcoin @teamsteem @surfyogi @steem-ambassador wow good job! keep it up and do lots of @dtube and @dlive.io videos! Use the android free app called BitStream to do RCMP video strreaming to connect to dlive and try streaming right from your phone live if you have thw bandwidth! if not just upload prerecorded videos toi dlive for this project
yes we need more female representatives of steem to the world. I just posted about the need for non threatening women faces of steem to make steem look accessible and friendly and not a cold and hard to use technical platform. We need to make steem appear warm and friendly
Thanks for your advice, we really appreciateThank you @ackza, I have been trying to log in dlive.io via steemconnect so I could upload the full video clip but steem connect has refused to sign us in. But I'll keep trying.